2) bully's

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[ same day like last chapter ]

Y/N's POV:

I woke up all alone. I guess mom's downstairs I should go check.

I walked down the stairs still being sleepy, when I heard mom crying. It literally broke my heart. And I knew it was because of ME. Only me. I felt so bad.

It was coming from the living room so I went there. I entered the room and saw Fin and Claudia hugging mom while she's literally having a panic attack with her legs up to her chest. My heart hurt so bad.

Claudia looked up from mom and saw me. She patted the place next to mom so I was in between mommy and Claudia. Finneas was on the other side.

First I didn't knew if I should sit or not. But I knew that mom needs me, and she knew I need her.

I sat next to her and laid my head on her shoulder. She finally realized it was me and put her arms around me. We stayed in that position for god knows how long.

Time skip
Next day


I woke up at 6a.m.
Like usual.

I got up to do my morning routine. When I was done I head downstairs to make breakfast for Y/n. I heard footsteps coming from the staris meaning she's already awake.

„Morning mom" she said.

„Morning hun, come sit down we're eating breakfast, I made you some toast".

She did what I told her and sat down. She ate but I had the feeling something was up with her.

„You okay?" i asked,

„yeah I'm good, just tired" she answered.

Hmm. I'll let that slide... for now. We were finished and got into the car to drive to the school.

Y/N's POV:

time skip
3rd period.

I was in the hallway when I walked to my next class for physics. I was all alone as I felt someone push me against the lockers.

It was Michelle and her group again. Yesterday I got a text from her saying ‚we will punch you till you bleed you stupid bitch'. They were my bully's. I didn't told that mom. I was too scared.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hard punch hitting my jaw. And another one. Another one. Another one. And another one.

I was bleeding out of my nose and out of my mouth. My eyelids blue. And bruises all over my face. Not only that. They kicked my stomach which caused me to gasp for air. I couldn't breathe anymore. But I knew if I will scream for help, they'll hurt me more.

Eventually they walked away and I ran into the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall. I decide to text Lea. I think it's 11pm where she is but let's just hope she's still awake. She's in an exchange year...

 She's in an exchange year

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I got a text of mom

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I got a text of mom..

Minutes pass, and mom texted me that she's outside of the school

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Minutes pass, and mom texted me that she's outside of the school. I unlocked the stall and walked the hallway down till I'm at the exit door. I saw mom standing in front of her car and I immediately ran to her.

She gasped for a second and without hesitation she hugged me tight while she said calming things in my ear. I didn't wanted to let go but when I heard that the bell rang I jumped into the car, being scared they'll see me.

Mom got in the car as well and we drove home. At least I thought so. But no. We were driving to uncles and aunts house. I was wondering why, but I stoot quiet.

Mom parked and turned off the car.

We got out and moma knocked on their door. Claudia opened with Finneas behind her. Both gasped by the look of my face while I just looked on the floor.

They let us in and Claudia gave me a cool pack while we all sat down on their couch. I laid my head on mom's shoulder. She rubbed my hands. I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier.


I felt bad. I knew that she felt like shit in the morning. She probably already knew this is gonna happen, but still she went. She's so brave. But I fucking let her go. God I regret this so much.

I heard soft snoring on my shoulder. It was Y/n.
I looked over to Claudia and she nodded cus she already knew I was gonna ask if she's asleep.

We lift her up trying our best not to hurt her. We put her in the guest room. Finneas and I head to the studio cus what else was I gonna do now? While Claudia made food for when Y/n wakes up.

Fin and I started recording.
But before I needed to talk to him.

B- „fin?"
F- „hmm?"
B- „am I a good mom?" i said with tears in my eyes
F- „u joking?" „you're the best mom y/n could ever ask for" he said when he came to sit down next to me and took me in his arms. Tears streaming down uncontrollably.

B- „but today I knew she didn't wanted to go because i think she knew that that's gonna happen but I stood quiet. I did nothing."
F- „hey, it's okay B. I guess she just was scared so she said nothing. Y/n is really brave. And you're the best mom. You're trying your best all the time. Don't blame yourself for that now."

I nodded and snuggled more into him. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes till we decided to continue with making music.

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