47) grammy night

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your pov

It was grammy night!!!
I was really excited about it, chase also will be there, as well as mum, finneas and the wholeeeee family.

But nominated are me, chase, finneas and mum so let's see if we're going to win anything. To be honest i didn't even care if we'd win something, for me it just matter to be a part of this night.

Together with the rest of the family we got into the big building where we get our outfits for tonight. Some weeks ago we already tried them on so i will be excited to wear them tonight.

A lady with brown hair greeted us and showed us the outfit and the changing rooms where our personal assistant will be helping us to get dressed including makeup.

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^my dress (including hair and makeup!!)

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^my dress (including hair and makeup!!)

^my dress (including hair and makeup!!)

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^Chase's suit

^mom and finny

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^mom and finny

We finished all the makeup and my hair. Mom and the rest came up to me looking ready to go. I finished and we took a quick picture. Together we went to the arena where all the other artists waited.

This feeling was crazy. I saw ariana and at ttat point i just wanted to run away screaming. Lol. But i stayed calm and i looked at her. She noticed me and smiled. I smiled back and we walked past her.

I whispered to chase „did you saw that!!!!!!!! Did you fucking saw that?!? Ariana fucking grande smiled at me ahhhh". „Yes i did baby" he chuckled.

We walked to our seats which were in the first row and sat down waiting. The room went dark and everyone was sitting, a man in black suit came up stage and started to show the nominations.

Lots of people already won one and now the nomination came up where me and chase were nominated.

„Our next nomination is ‚song of the year'"

A video started playing with all the songst of different artists, including mine and chase's song „better" as well as „senorita"

The video paused and the man took the letter in his hands. My hands were sweating from excitement. „And the grammy for the song of the year, goes to..."

„Better" „by Y/n O'Connell and Chase005"

I couldn't believe it. We jumped up off our seats and mom immediately hugged me „I'm so proud of you" people were clapping and cheering. Chase kissed me and we went hand in hand up to the stage.

The man hugged me and gave us our grammy ahhhh. He led me to the mic and we started our speech. (I ain't going to write this here but u said like thank u and idk ok leave me alone lmao)

After we finished talking we walked off stage and people were still applauding and cheering for us. I walked back to my family and sat down. Chase kissed the heck out of me but soon mom interrupted.

„Ok guys we all don't want to see a porn okay calm y'all's organs thanks. Anyway I'm so proud of youuuuuuuu ahhhhh"

I felt tears picking in my eyes that immediately rolled down ny cheeks. I was so happy.

Mom and Finneas also won some awards and after that we went to the red carpet. Paparazzi's took some photos from us and we soon headed backstage to undress.

Mom, Finneas and Claudia are going on an after party. Me and the rest are going home because well we are too young :|

But Grandma promised me to go to a restaurant and that's exactly what we did. We ate and laughed together and eventually she dropped us off at our house.

Chase and I went inside and went straight to bed. I was exhausted but since a very long time i felt genuinely happy.

A/N sorry if I'm not updating so often but this bitch is going through a whole ass breakup right now soooooo be patient loves

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