36) proposing

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Jacob's pov (omg never had that i guess)

My hands were sweating. I was playing with my fingers trying to calm myself down which didn't really help. I sent a message to everyone besides Billie, that I'm going to propose to her and that she should come to the beach...

Now Finneas helps me get ready. Billie is gone with Maggie. I told Maggie to keep her away so she won't realize it.

„Calm down. I know Billie. She will say yes asap I swear. There's nothing you need to be nervous abaout okay?" Finneas assured me.

I nodded. It was true... but still. It's been 2 hours since Billie and Maggie left. They should be back every second. They all stood in a big circle, with dresses and suits. Maggie told Billie to dress up, so Maggie can go into her apartment to dress herself.

Maggie came back also with a dress. „She's coming every moment." she said. Some moments passed and music started to play, it was her favorite song.. no. Our favorite song. And there she was.

She looked shocked but kept on walking towards me. I was in the middle of the circle of course, where flowers were laying with candles. Billie held her hand to her mouth, pure shock.

She smiled and finally was right in front of me. I took her hands and held them. She already had teary eyes because she knew what will happen.

„Billie... we've been together now for 3 years and believe me when I tell you that I loved every single moment with you. We've been there for each other no matter what happened. You're the best girlfriend I could've ever asked for. You're such a great mother, for such a wonderful daughter. You always make sure that everyone is okay, and if not, you're there for them. You're truly the most beautiful woman I've seen in my life and there's nothing going to change about that. When we first met, at this little cafe in LA... I knew that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and nothing was going to stop me. For me, it definitely was love on the first sight. You could make butterflies in my stomach just by looking at me with those beautiful eyes. No matter how much we will change... our hair will change, our bodies will change, our faces will get wrinkles one day, maybe our personality's change, but our eyes. They will stay the same until we take our last breath. And I can't stop falling in love with them over and over again, day by day. I want to wake up next to you, every morning in my life." i said and took out the little box of my pocket.

I kneeled down in front of her with the opened box with the ring.

„Will you marry me?" i said with the biggest smile on earth

Billie was crying tho, but because of happiness.

„Yes" she said and nodded. Everyone clapped and cheered while i put on the ring and we shared a passionate kiss. I will never get enough of her lips...

DAUGHTER OF BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now