43) making out only

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A/N Don't bully me for this

Chase's pov

On the way of walking home y/n kept on saying dirty things making us all laugh. She was really hella wasted and we all didn't wanted Billie to see her in that state, else she probably wouldn't be aloud to go outside anymore.

„Daddyyyyyyyy" she mumbled. „Please fuck meeeeee" she whined. I cracked from laughing. This girl is the best oml. We just kept on walking. Not really walking because we always needed to wait for y/n.

Lea's pov
Chase was drunk as well, we all could tell but y/n... she was the definition of drunk/wasted. She kept on saying dirty things to chase but we just laughed about it. Even if chase didn't wanted to admit it, that shit got him turned on for sure.

He always stopped to wait for her and when she finally made it up to him they literally ate each other's faces. It was nearly disgusting. They always kept on making out until they had swollen lips...

We still had some meters to walk, about 300 so this will be fun... we came to a bench and chase sat down, we all were exhausted but it was only a turn until we would be at the house but these two fuckers decided to literally dry fuck each other on that damn bench.

Samuel and I decided to go a little away from them and just went home, hoping they'll find their way home. When we got there mom and dad were still there, they were also drinking but they weren't drunk.

„Where are chase and y/n?" billie asked. I couldn't care less and i knew that billie didn't gave two fucks so i just answered with „fucking on a bench down the street". This caused to all burst out in laughers.

„Well we decided to sleep here" dad told me and billie showed me the guest room where sam and i could sleep. „Please don't fuck i already need to listen to chase and y/n nearly ever night okkkk" she whined.

I laughed and told her we wouldn't because well.. we wouldn't. We soon fell asleep.

Y/n's pov;
I sat on Chase's lap, straddling him. He smashed his lips on mine and explored my mouth with his tongue. I moaned making him buckle up his hips, needing my touch.

I kissed down his neck and sucked on it, letting it turn purple soon after. When i made some marks we decided it's better to finish this at home.

I wasn't as drunk by now then before but still very drunk. I knew what i was doing so we went home. When we got home mom, Jacob, finneas and Claudia were there, greeting us.

„And? Had fun on the bench?" mom joked. I laughed and just went upstairs trying my best not to fall. Mom saw me and laughed „you okay?". I tried to keep my balance and went up the staircase.

I told mom good night and chase and i went in my room, locking it. Immediately he crashed his lips back on mine and we started to make out again. „We need to be quiet love" he whispered.

He lifted me up and laid me on my bed on my back, him hovering over me. He kissed and sucked my neck making little marks on it. I put off my shirt leaving me in my laced bra. He soon took of my pants with of course my permission.

I was laying there only in my underwear when he put off his clothes, so now he was just in his boxers. His bulge was noticeable and definitely turned me on more and more.

He hovered over me again, and went back to his work. He kissed down do my chest and unclipped my bra. When my boobs fell, he grabbed them lightly and sucked on them.

Leaving love marks all the way down to my collarbone, he looked up for permission to take off my panties. I nodded and he took them off as well as his boxers.

Both naked laying on my bed, i grabbed a blanket making it more comfortable for both of us and put it around us. He put on a condom and got in position.

He looked up again and i nodded. „But you need to be quiet okay baby? We don't want them to hear you now do we?". I nodded and he slowly entered me.

My eyes rolling back from pleasure, mouth opened ready to moan. Chase noticed so he quickly covered my mouth and i let a loud moan come out of my mouth. Gladly it was mumbled and you wouldn't hear it in other rooms so i was glad chase did that.

Fully in, he slowly thrusted himself in and out of me, picking up the pace. I was moaning so hard but you couldn't hear it. He went faster and faster and when i clenched around his member, he rubbed my clit with his other hand.

It took me over the edge and we both came at the same time. He pulled out again and we laid next to each other breathless. Slowly we fell asleep exhausted and by now sober.

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