My Gift

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Shaw: We are ending this in Shaw's POV, how it began. Enjoy!

I was waiting with my husband and our two little girls. Tianshi was now eleven and Amelia was eight. We adopted her in South Carolina.

Her parents put her up for adoption and we got lucky. They were young teens with an unwanted baby. Amelia is very wanted now.

We got her at birth. Amazing. We were celebrating Christmas at our house this year and I was going to regret it. It was going to take me three days to clean up after all these kids.

Shade chuckled. "So, are they ever going to stop?"

I laughed. "I don't know!" Joseph and Novus already had six kids and we were waiting for more news. They had been talking about having another. Nyx was already ten and mostly grown. He was a gorgeous young man with the maturity level of twenty. The kids weren't kids for long, but they were happy.

Speaking of... Nyx walked in with his dark hair all shaggy. He was carrying a little boy that looked just like him. "We are finally here!" He set the boy down and hugged me. "Are you shrinking, Uncle Shaw?"

I glared at him. "Shut up!" I patted his back and picked up a dark haired child that Nyx put down. "How are you?"

"Good. Busy with school. I'm almost done and I applied to college already. I got into three. One is Yale." Nyx looked proud.

"You got your dad's brain, I see!" I chuckled. "Joe was always very smart."

"I know. I'm lucky and Dad loves to take credit for my hard work." Nyx smiled and hugged Shade. "Uncle Shade."

"Nyx, Sweet boy!" Shade hugged him.

"No, I don't need help, Nyx! What happened to coming back and helping!" I heard Joe grumble as he walked in with presents and a child. A little girl that giggled in his arms. His kids were all pretty and happy. It was really ridiculous.

Firo, Raven, Nimbus, and Ivory came flooding into the house with Nova behind them. "Away you beasts!" He shouted as he laughed. He had more presents. "Where is Storm?" He looked around.

"I have Storm." I smiled at the boy in my arms. He was four already. "Don't I?"

Storm nodded really big. "I wanna play!"

"Better go because tomorrow you will be twenty!" I sat him down and laughed. He took off.

Joe sat the presents under our tree and sat on the couch. "I'm here for the night!"

Novus sat beside him in his rock gear. His hair was green stripes for Christmas. "Me too! Is there alcohol!"

I laughed. "If you two could keep it in your pants, you wouldn't have thirty kids!"

Shade almost spit blood everywhere as he laughed into his cup.

Nyx made a face. "Those are my parents!" He plugged his ears.

Joseph chuckled. "He's addicted. Can't be helped!"

"They made condoms!" Shade stated and chuckled. He poured two big egg nogs for the boys. "Here."

Joseph sipped his and sighed. "Thanks. Did Nyx tell you that he got into Yale!"

"Yes. Show off!" I smiled at Nyx. That kid had a great sense of humor.

"What's the word? Any more babies?" Shade smiled.

Novus smiled. "One more! But I haven't laid it yet. Tomorrow night. It's our last. I swear!"

Joseph laughed. "I'm trying to behave!"

Novus laughed with him. "Me too! We are trying."

I smiled at my brother. We came a long way. He's surrounded by love that even I won't understand. I have Shade and a love for him that Joseph won't understand but I don't understand the love I have for him either. I know that I have never imagined that our lives would be like this.

I sighed as I watched Joe's children running around chasing my little girls. Damn, they weren't that little anymore.

Joe was beside me, alone in the kitchen. "Amazing, Huh?"

"I was just thinking that." I smiled. "So, Nyx is what you choose for his name. I never said but I love it. Mom would have too."

"I never told Nova." Joe smiled at me.

"Layla means night and Mom was always proud that was what her name meant. I thought it was sweet, Joe. It made me proud. Like Mom was still here." I was mushy.

Joe smiled at me. "She always will be. She loved the nighttime, storms, nimbus clouds, ravens, bonfires on the beach and elephants. So, Nyx, Firo, Raven, Nimbus, Storm and Ivory, Layla will never leave us, Little brother." Joe hugged me and sighed.

I was a mess of tears. That was how much my brother showed me that he loved me and that we would never be without our mother, Layla Renner. She was all around us.

"Wait, what about the last one?" I stared at him.

"I am naming him after his father because Nova is in my heart too." He smiled at me. "Happy Birthday, Shaw."

I smiled. "Best birthday present Ever, Joe."

The End.

I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading! Vote and comment if you wish! 

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