Life Begins

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My alarm went off too soon because it hated me. I knew that thing had it out for me. I would have gladly died just to sleep a little longer. I dragged myself to the shower and gulped down the coffee. Two cups. I made sure my tie was straight and drove our crappy truck to work.

I named her Shirley and she got me from point A to point B and back so I couldn't complain. Shirley was loud as hell but I got to work, better known as Elias' mansion. I walked past the guards and up the two flights of stairs to my little office. I got everything turned on and read through the agenda for the day. Elias was busy today.

My phone buzzed and I knew it was Elias. He wanted me in his office. I tucked my phone into my pocket and walked down the hall to his giant office. My small office was just fine. It had a big window that I put a plant in. It loved that window and was growing like crazy. Elias' office was just five times bigger than my normal sized office.

"Sir, good morning." I smiled at him. He was quite handsome in his suit. He always wore suits like me but his suits were expensive and much nicer than my cheap suits.

Elias smiled. "Good morning. How's my favorite human?" He had to admit that Joseph was quite attractive for a human. Maybe that was a slight bit racist but he had never spent a lot of time with a human before.

Joseph had this shy quality that was appealing and enticing. He was smart and wise beyond his years. Elias was hoping he would get a little wild, let his hair down and have fun. He hadn't seen that just yet. Joseph was all about work and very guarded. Gerald called him uptight.

I chuckled. "I'm the only human that you know! I'm good though. I have your schedule for the week and just emailed it to you. Let me know if there are any corrections."

"You're good at your job, Joe. Thanks." Elias sat. "So, as you know, we have a guest and he will be hanging around the house."

"I'm aware. I heard some of his music last night." I smiled at the desk. "I have to say that Shade is a good dancer."

Elias chuckled. "I see. I didn't know you liked to dance?"

I smiled and sighed. "It's been a long time. Sir, I just want to say thanks again. The house and paying off the bills... It was a lifesaver. You saved my life. Thanks just isn't enough." I cleared my throat trying to get rid of the tears that threatened my eyes.

Elias smiled. "Joe, it was my pleasure. How are things at the house?"

"Good. Shaw and Shade are crazy and in love. I keep walking in on them!" I know that I blushed but my unshed tears were gone. I appreciated that Elias didn't say anything.

Elias chuckled. "My wife is going crazy with wedding plans. She told me that you are not to worry about a thing. I don't argue and I would advise that you don't either."

I nodded. "I.." I knew not to test my luck and cross Elias. "Thanks." I took a deep breath.

Elias smiled. "You are wise for your age, my boy. So... about our guest."


"His name is Novus Blacklocks and he's coming in. Just be polite. He's a fae so.." Elias didn't finish his sentence as a man walked into the office. Novus. Freaking. Blacklocks.

I stared and I think I might have gasped.. Like out loud. His eyes darted to me. "Holy shit!" Now that was out loud for sure.

Novus smiled. "Thank you, Human."

I was so taken aback that I couldn't be offended by being called human. He was gorgeous. I had never seen anyone that looked like him.

His eyes were white with a purple mother of pearl center. I was mesmerized and my heart was pounding in my chest. I felt like it hadn't really worked before this moment.

I tried to gather myself before I passed out. I took a deep breath and studied the delicious treat that just walked in. His hair was black and in a Mohawk some of the tips were dyed red. He had earrings, necklaces, rings, makeup and black fingernail polish on. Novus was my height, a little taller than me and he was sexy.

I had to fight that thought of him being sexy because he wasn't my type. I wasn't sure what my type was but I was sure this wasn't it. I mean seriously. I pretended to be uninterested. I tried. My eyes kept darting to him as Elias chatted with him.

"Novus, this is Joe Renner, my assistant. Joe, this is Novus Blacklocks. I believe you know his music." Elias smirked at me.

I glared at him. I didn't want that man knowing that I liked his music or anything about him. His ego looked like it didn't need stroking. He thought a lot of himself. "A little. Hello, it's nice to meet you." I made no move to shake his hand or whatever the Fae did as a greeting. I was going out on a limb to say that Fae meant Faerie? I wasn't sure.

Novus smiled and sauntered up to me. "Pleasure." He kissed my lips. You heard me. Right on my mouth. No tongue or anything but it was a five second kiss.

I gasped and backed up. "Uh...sure!" I know I blushed. "I have things to do!" I rushed from the room, freaking out. I could taste him. Cotton candy. Yum.

Elias laughed as Novus looked upset. "Did I do something wrong?"

Elias laughed more and I heard him laugh. Damn him. My skin tingled all over, like heated bubbles. I don't know how to describe it. Almost like I was sitting in a hot tub with the bubbles on. Like that all over my body and that was just from one touch.

My first kiss.

I sat in my little office hoping that man wouldn't be here much longer or be here forever. 

Thanks for reading!

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