Chapter 2

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Year 3

13 years old Draco Lucius Malfoy was sitting in the Astronomy class, making notes as the professor walked between the desks.

The atmosphere around them was nothing but boring, dull, lifeless. Everyone was writing, you could hear tinkling of the feathers on the fresh parchments. You could hear people's sighing from tiredness, from exhaustion, frazzle. Professor tried to shush students, but she was as tired as them, you could hear her yawning before starting a sentence.

Draco frowned few times, he was tired, more than tired. He didn't really like Astronomy, more he hated it, he hated everything that was connected to some superstitions. He felt like studying star names and dispositions, observing them was just a waste of time. He preferred to study something more serious, like bewitching the mind and ensnaring the senses, bottling fame, brewing glory and putting a stopper in death...

Draco looked around and saw a girl, a Slytherin student with dreamy grey eyes, that visibly hid secrets. Her eyes seemed mysterious to Draco, not only to Draco, to everyone. Everyone wanted to know what was hidden behind them, what was that little girl hiding from everyone, but no one could solve that problem.

Her look told that she liked being there, she liked everything there, but still her eyes were cold. Happy, but cold...

It seemed she had already finished her work and was focused on the stars. She watched them with so much passion and interest. It was like she knew everything about them, she looked at them like friends.

He has seen her few times, sitting at the Slytherin table alone, but never talked to her. Draco knew her name was Erica, she was friends with Hermione Granger. But she wasn't Dumbledore's little marionette like Potter's little friend group.

Draco looked down at his paper and continued writing. Her mind was wrapped around thoughts about a certain brunette girl, he tried to focus again, but couldn't. All he could see was grey orbs with darkness, coldness...

"Work Mr.Malfoy not daydream!" Said professor Sinistra as she walked past him. He could feel more eyes on him, one of them was Erica's. She didn't really care what Malfoy did, she just looked at him automatically. Their eyes met for a second...

Two caliginous eyes met each other...

Two dusky eyes met each other...

That second seemed like hours for them and it was enough for Erica to know, sadness was dancing in Draco's eyes. She was the first who looked away, she looked back at the stars.

Draco continued working and didn't stop until the end of the class, which wasn't a long time. Everyone stood up with relief, joy. Students were happy about the weekend, the quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, the hogsmeade trip.

Erica didn't wait for others, she took her books and left before anyone else. Before leaving she looked at Draco again and this look wasn't different. It showed nothing, not even one emotion...

Draco went to his dorm, exhausted. He flopped on his bed and fall asleep, not even remembering mysterious grey eyes...


He remembered it...

He remembered that beautiful and mysterious orbs...

He never wanted to forget about them...

They were printed in his mind forever...

That eyes...

That eyes made Draco Malfoy stay alive...

That eyes saved him...

That eyes belonged to her...

That eyes belonged to his favourite Slytherin...

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