Chapter 7

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The Slytherin common room

Winter was the most beautiful season in the Scotland mountains. The thick layers of snow, frosty wind dispersions snowflakes everywhere. Snowmans made by first and second years. It was cold outside, but the big fireplaces in the castle made an amazing warm atmosphere inside .

Twelve beautiful Christmas trees embellishe the great hall, everything looks perfect. An amazing mood of the people, how excited they are for Christmas and New Year.

December 23rd, the day before most of the students left Hogwarts was always fun for Slytherins. It was like a routine for them to have a party on this date.

Everyone loved it, everyone always got wasted, everyone always had the time of their lives.

The loud music, intoxicating smell of alcohol, toxical smell of the cigarette smoke...

Adrenaline rushing through the student's bodies as they danced in the middle of the room, heavy breathing coming from the corner of the common room as people continued making out with each other. It didn't matter if they were lovers or not, they enjoyed every second of it and didn't want to waste any minute of their pleasure. They lived with it in that moment.

Draco stand by the alcohol table with a glass of fire whiskey in his hand as he checked  the room, he was checking if she was there. She was here, he could feel it, he could feel her perfume, he could feel her smirk, her teasing smirk, her sly smirk. She was teasing him and she was doing a good job.

After few minutes, he saw her, he saw her with another male. His blood rushing, his pulse rushing. You could visibly see veins on his neck and temple. Why would he be jealous?...

They weren't even friends, they weren't dating, they just shared one secret, one deep, satisfying secret. Maybe that was the reason of his jealousy, he wanted to touch her soft skin like that guy was touching her at that moment, slide his hands around her waist like that night, pull her closer like that night, feel her hands around his neck like that night.

He wanted even more, he wanted to be hers, he wanted Erica to be his...

But he knew the truth, he has known the truth for so long. She would use him, she would use him for her desires. And he wanted nothing more, he wanted nothing more than to be her pet, her good boy...

Only hers...

They looked at each other, like they always did. With sparkles in their eyes, with appetency in their eyes. Erica was playing it, she was playing her little role very well, very well. a little too well for DracoMalfoy, a little too good for "the Slytherin prince".

The boy kept touching her everywhere, treated Erica like his own and she didn't stop him, she didn't put his hands away, she didn't stop dancing, she didn't stop swaying her hips, she didn't break an eye contact with Draco and that killed him, that destroyed him...

As the song slowly stopped, Erica didn't even stay a second with the guy, she left him, she left how she always did...

She was standing in front of Draco, she was looking at him with her dirty look. She was looking in his soul and resorptioning every piece of it. She was something else, this look of her was something else, everything around them was something else...

Erica took a glass out of Draco's hand, she didn't care about the drink, she only cared about teasing, destroying Malfoy. She drunk the alcohol like water, like water...

but slowly, enjoying the every drop of it, every sip of it. After she finished it, she could see how turned on he was, how he was carving for her body, her soul, her love...

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