Chapter 16

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The battle of Hogwarts

It was it, the end, the day all of them were waiting for a long time...

The most terrifying day in wizard's and witches lives...

The day everyone was scared of...

The day they knew they'd lose their friends, family...

The day they never wanted to come, but knew it would...

Everyone was scared, everyone was excited, everyone tried to stay calm, everyone was waiting...

Waiting for him...

Waiting for the dark lord...

Hogwarts staff and students were waiting for Voldemort's attack. The spells, curses and hexes around the castle...

You could hear terrified first years scream around the castle as people tried to take them out...

Students hugging each other, not knowing if they'd end up alive after the war...

They wanted to remember each other well...

They wanted to remember Hogwarts well...

Heather was standing in the Great Hall, not knowing what to do...

She was surprisingly calm...

She wasn't excited, she wasn't scared, she wasn't nervous...

But she wanted to remember everything, every part of her life...

She closed her eyes, she started remembering all of her memories here, at Hogwarts...

The first time when she walked through this doors...

The first class she attended...

The sorting ceremony...

But she didn't want to remember him...

She didn't want to remember anything about him...

She opened her eyes slowly...

She looked around...

She didn't even realize someone standing beside her...

"You know that he'll pay right?" Said someone's voice as they disappeared again. Heather was confused. She didn't know how to react...

Those words made no sense to her...

She didn't even know whose voice was that...

She didn't know who they were talking about...

She just shook his head and tried to forget that words...

She had to get ready for the war...

She had to protect everyone...

She had to protect Hogwarts...

The war has started...

Spells shooting everywhere, peoples screaming around, someone asking for help, someone on their knees begging their friend, lover or family member to wake up, to open their eyes again...

The Death Eaters were much stronger than them...

They had more powerful people...

Heather was using all of her energy, she was shooting all of the curses she knew...

She used everything...

she killed...

She protected...

That's all what she wanted...

But her mind was somewhere else, she was still thinking about the words she heard...

The words someone said in her ear...

Who'd pay what?

During the battle she could feel him around...

She could feel he was somewhere near, she could hear his voice, she could smell his cologne...

All of their flashbacks started running through her head. She tried to stop it, but couldn't...

Their first eye contact...

Their first words to each other...

Their first touch...

Their first hug...

Their first kiss...


They looked at each other, they wanted to kiss, they wanted to hug each other again...

But that was impossible...

The war didn't matter to them anymore...

They couldn't hear anything around them...

They didn't want to hear anything around around them...

All that mattered was the eyes, that made both of them alive...

The eyes they fell in love with years ago...

"Sectmsempra!" Yelled Hermione, throwing a curse to him...

Everything went black for Draco...

He was okay, he was doing fine...

He looked down at his legs and saw her...

Bleeding uncontrollably...

Hermione screamed from fright...

But Heather...

She was smiling...

She was smiling at him...

Draco kneeled down beside her, as he put her head on his chest, trying to stop the blood that was leaving her little body...

She stopped him...

"Draco, don't worry dear. I already had the best life I have ever wanted..." She looked him in the eyes...

"I love you, I love you so much and I hope you know that my dear boy..."

"Heather...." Draco's eyes filled with tears. "Heather, you can't, we still have a dance to finish..." He started crying. "Don't you remember? You can't just leave Heather..."

"Oh Draco, we already finished that dance in my head..." And she left...

She was gone...

She left Draco in this cruel world alone...

Draco's scream was enough for everybody to know she was dead...

His little Heather was dead...

Heather Where stories live. Discover now