Chapter 14

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Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Draco sat in the Slytherin common room, destroyed. It was his last chance... It was his last chance to kill him, to kill the greatest wizard of all time. It was stressful for him...

If he wouldn't do what the dark lord wanted, he'd torture all of his loved ones. His family, friends and lover...

He was scared, he was scared to death...

If something would happen to Heather, he wouldn't live, he'd kill himself in the place...

Heather was sitting beside him, trying to comfort him. She hugged him, kissed him on the cheek. Draco could see the soft Heather at that moment. But it didn't matter to him, all he cared was she was beside him in the hardest moment of his life.

"The Vanishing Cabinet is done Draco, you just have to kill him..." She sat on his lap.

"Just kill him? It's Dumbledore we're talking about. He'll end me without touching his wand."

"Draco think about all the bad  things he has done. Don't you think all of these people died, because of him? Remember Cedric? Sirius? I bet there are even more people out there who has died and will die because of him." She looked him in the eyes. "Think about me, think about how I killed the person who cared about me, but made a mistake. Everyone should pay for their mistakes Draco. It doesn't matter how!"

Draco nodded, he nodded silently as he got up and left the Slytherin common room. It was his last chance and he'd use it. Dumbledore should have paid for his actions before...

Dumbledore was already there, it seemed like he was already waiting for Draco.

They were standing in front of each other.

"You're not an assassin, Draco." Said Dumbledore with a calm tone.

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you."

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping she would, in turn, bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison. Forgive me Draco, but these are attempts so feeble I cannot help but question if your heart has been really in them. I'm curious. When Voldemort gave you this task, when he asked you to kill me, was it in a whisper?"

"He trusts me! I was chosen!" Draco thrusts out his arm, pulls back his sleeve and reveals the dark mark, but Dumbledore barely looks at it.

"Then I shall make it easy for you." Draco disarms Dumbledore. "But I warn you, killing is not nearly as easy."

Draco looks into Dumbledore's eyes, then to the sky, at the gathering clouds, twisting darkly, then glances to the stairwell.

"You're not alone. Are you. There are others. How?" Dumbledore notices.

A sneering smile plays over Malfoy's lips.

"The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement."

"The cabinet has been broken for years."

"I've been mending it." Answered Draco.

"Ingenious. Let me guess. It has a sister. A twin."

"In Borgin & Burkes. They form—"

"A passage, yes. Very good." Dumbledore looked him in the eyes, he wanted to manipulate Draco. "I once knew a boy years ago who made all the wrong choices. Let me help you, Draco..."

"I don't want you help! I never wanted your help! Yes, I have done a lot of mistakes, so have you! And everyone should pay for their mistakes!" Dumbledore looked confused, he thought Draco'd be scared, but he wasn't. "I believe god will made me pay too in the future, but for now it's your time..."

Dumbledore backed away a bit, not knowing how to react. "Avada Kedavra!" Whispered Draco and left his dead body there.

He started walking down the stairs, adrenaline running through his veins. He wasn't scared, he wanted a payback to everyone who'd cross his road.

"You killed him! You killed him!" Yelled Harry from the corner of the room. "You'll croak in the Azkaban like your filthy father."

"Will I?" Said Draco in a teasing voice. "Or you'll meet your dear father sooner than me, huh?"

"You should pay for everything Potter."

Harry looked at him like he has gone insane. But Draco, Draco was eager for his blood...

They were standing in front of each other, looking in each other's eyes with death look. Harry was scared, he was scared Draco would harm him and he did...

"Sectumsempra" hissed Draco. "I guess you don't have nine lives like cats." and left the Astronomy tower.He left two bodies there...

All alone...


He was equal with her lover...

He was a killer like his lover...

He was a psychopath...

He couldn't stop thinking about that night...

The night when he realized he liked being on the dark side...

The night when he realized he liked killing...

The night when he realized he like being the master...

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