Chapter 12

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The Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

They didn't talk, but hold each other all the time. It didn't matter where or when, they were holding each other's hands all the time. Their moods didn't change, both of them looked miserable, sad and worried all the time. They didn't even tried to hide it... Blaise and Theo tried to talk to them but no luck...

Once they were sitting in Draco's dorm, doing homework when Heather finally started talking.

"Don't hide it from me, I already know." She said without looking up from her book. Draco was confused at first, but then realized what she was talking about. He didn't say anything..

"I don't think you're a bad person Draco, I know you're doing it for your family. I'd do it too, but I don't have one..."

Draco looked at her, but didn't say anything. He could see how nervous Heather became. That was odd, why would she get nervous?

"Heather what did you do?" Asked Draco after few hours. He was asking about the last letter he received from her. "You wrote me you did something bad without any explanation, I tried to contact you, but you've been ignoring me."

"It's nothing Draco, don't worry." It was visible that she got even more nervous, her hands were shaking from her anxiety.

Draco sat beside Heather and placed her hands in his ones. She didn't calm down, she didn't say a word...

"Heather I won't be mad at you, just tell me love."

"I killed Draco, I fucking killed a man, I killed Marcus!" Draco looked shocked, he didn't know how to react. "Happy now?!"

He didn't say anything, he didn't dare to say anything. The love of his life has just admitted she has committed a murder.

"Draco, I'm asking you. Are. You. Happy. Now?!" She looked in his eyes with deathly look. Draco looked down, but Heather made him look into her eyes again.

He wasn't scared, he just didn't know what to do. He wanted to know more, he wanted to know the reason, he wanted to know how.

"Oh my dear boy, I don't think it's necessary for you to know the reason" said Heather like she read his mind.

"Why not?"

"Why should I?" Erica raised her eyebrow

"Because you're my girlfriend and I need to know. I need to protect you."

Heather didn't expect that, neither did Draco. She was confused, they weren't dating...

Did they want to date?...

"Heather I've always wanted to say that, I mean if you don't want to that's totally fine."

She didn't say anything, she had nothing to say. She didn't know what she wanted. She loved Draco, but didn't know if her feelings were real.

She stayed silent, he didn't know what to do. He knew Heather would react that way, what else did he expect?

"Yeah I get it, don't worry." Draco got up, but Heather stayed. She stayed on his bed, holding his pillow tightly.

She wasn't sad, she wasn't destroyed, she felt nothing. Nothing like that night when Draco left her. Left her alone on the dance floor...

She laid down and closed her eyes, still feeling empty. She felt like an object. An object that had no feelings, no emotions. She felt like a bad person.

She was depressed, she wanted to end it all, she didn't want to continue and that's why Draco didn't leave her alone. He knew she'd do something bad, awful if he left her alone in that room, she'd end it all...

But Draco knew her...

Draco loved her...

Draco fucking loved her...

And he wouldn't let something happen to her...

Her little Heather...

He didn't sleep with her that night, he didn't leave the room. He just watched her. He was trying to remember every detail of her, like always.

He was sitting on the floor, next to the bed. His dark mark was hurting badly, it was hurting so badly. Tears running down his cheeks. He wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, he wanted end it all like Heather. But he had to be strong, he had to be strong like Heather...

Few hours passed, it was getting worse and worse. He went to the bathroom, took out the knife from the drawer.

"It will hurt for a minute." Said Draco silently as he wiped his tears. "Everything will end..."

Draco put a knife on his death eater's mark. He started counting from three to one. He slowly, really slowly started cutting it off. There must have been some kind of curse. It started burning like a hell. The pain ripped Draco apart. He was screaming uncontrollably...

Heather ran in the bathroom, seeing blood all over room, Draco was on his knees, crying, yelling.

"Draco what have you done!" She went to him and took the knife out of his hands...

"My dear boy..." She tried to calm him down....


"My dear boy..." he remembered her voice. That was the only time when she was scared, she was scared to lose him...

Draco looked in the mirror, looking at his Death Eater mark, thinking.

"Why didn't I end all of these then?"

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