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Amanda's POV

Well, well, well. How should I start it? A lot of incomprehensible things have happened in the last few months. Getting to know what friendship is like, what it feels like when you trust someone and he betray you, finding out what it's like to study in real school, what it's like to be important and miss someone, what it feels like to be really in love. There are few things from the last few months that have changed my life. For me it's still incredible. By the way, we graduated with Liz. She did it in her own school and I did it before a committee in the castle and we are both happy with the end results. We have the whole summer ahead of us.

"Amanda. Can I talk with you?" My mom asked who stand near the stairs. I just came out of the kitchen and trying to take two plates to my room that was full of fruit because Liz said she was hungry.

"Yeah." I said and I stopped in front of her.

"You know I've put up with this so far. I can't believe you're doing this at such your age." She said indignantly.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I frowned.

"I'm not there at your wedding because I have to be with your dad due to his bad condition and that's what you're doing behind our backs." She screamed. My hand shook a little.

"My father? Which one mom? Alex or William? Hmm?" I creamed too. She shocked. "What? Can't you say anything? You've tricked me all my life. You know what? You weren't really there to do that either." I said and I walked angrily toward the stairs to finally just be with my love. My mom grabbed my elbow. I looked at her with teary eyes.

"So, he told you. I just protected you." She said angrily.

"From what? To get to know my real father?" I asked.

"From others. You belong here. You have obligations. I don't want you to make the mistake I made." She said.

"I don't understand a word." I said and I tried to free my elbow and she let it. I stopped for a moment and my eyes widened.

"You have to choose reign all above with someone who is worthy of it. So far I've put up with you not getting married and choosing that girl, but it can't go that way forever. You will be a queen soon. You must marry a prince who will be your worthy companion." She said calmly.

"Mistake." I muttered and looked at the fruit.

"What?" I squeezed the plates and almost dropped them.

"Nothing." I said fast and without say anything I turning back, I ran up to my room, where Liz was standing in the doorway, looking at me with worried eyes. Without a word she grabbed my arm, pulled me into the room, took the plates out of my trembling hands and hugged me. It didn't bother her either if her T-shirt got wet from the tears running down my face.

"She lied." Liz whispered near to my ear. I squeezed the shirt on her back, and I shook my head on her shoulder. "You are valuable. You aren't a mistake." Liz stroked my back. I leaned away from her and leaned over her lips. We started to step back towards the bed without interrupting the kiss. I need her. Better than anything or anyone else. Her hands in my hair is an euphoric feeling I don't want to ever disappear it someday. "It hurts." I just want to enjoy this moment as long as it lasts and not think about anything. "Amanda!" Liz pushed my shoulders hard from her. At this the moment I realized that due to my frustration, I had bitten her neck too hard, which began to bleed.

"Sorry." I whispered and I leaned next to her and with my left arm I covered my eyes.

"It will be the best if I leave." She said and walked to the door. I stand up and catch her right elbow.

"I said sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." I looked at her sadly.

"I know." She smiled faintly. "Maybe loneliness is good for you now."

"I don't want to be alone. I have been alone all my life." I whispered while I watched her neck. She took a deep breath.

"Ok. I'm sorry too. We need to practice dealing with problems. Together." She smiled and she took my hand. I bit my mouth.

"Let's escape!" She laughed. Even this sweet voice warmed my heart and I forgot everything that had happened so far.

"You know very well that you can't." She shook her head with a smile.

"Who was standing outside when you were here?" I asked.

"James." I smiled broadly and I looked at her seductively.

"Oh, no! Amanda no!" She said with a laugh as I tickled her side. I grabbed her waist and pulled her to myself. I leaned to her neck and pressed kisses to her neck at the point where I had offended that. Her knee trembled a little which made me think she would fall, so I squeezed her tighter.

"Can you repeat it? I didn't hear well." I said with a smile between two kisses on her neck.

"Ah!" She moaned as I reached the base of her ears and she grabbed my hair. I laughed.

"Do you want it?" I whispered in her ear. I grabbed her hands and I slowly put her hands behind her back. "You have to work for it." I said and let her hands. She grabbed my face and kissed me. When she felt like I wasn't kissing back she leaned grimly and looked at me angrily.

"If you don't want, well I will do." She said and started to take off her T-shirt.

"I forget something." I said fast and I ran out of the room as fast as I could. I hate that she is so stubborn.

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