Chapter five

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  Shadow set off into the night in search the the one he loved. His clothes were damp and so was the horse. They both shivered from being cold. Shadows blue eyes had scanned the area for shelter.  No building.  No cave.  Nothing.  Nothing but snow, snow,  and more snow.  Shadows hands felt numb as he gripped the horses reins. The horse neighed in discomfort.
   "It's ok boy."he whispered in a comforting way. "We'll find a safe place soon."
   Shadow felt he had convinced his horse because he had picked up speed. Himself on the other hand was much less convinced. He had no idea where he was. He had never been outside the castle.  He might have when he was very young but he had no memory of it. Shadow guessed that may be Vaati had no idea where he was either. Just trying to find his way like him but for completely opposite reasons.
  Much further away from Shadow,  Vaati had created a palace of his own. The palace was far off the ground and high into the clouds. The tower of winds. He stood there  over looking at that pathetic little world below him. How stupid they all were. Too frightened to fend for their pointless little lives. They'd much rather coward in a cornor begging for their mommies. Pff! Like that'll do anything for them!
    "What's this? "Vaati asked as he looked into his crystal ball.
   The sight he saw shocked him. He saw Shadow guiding a horse by its reins in the snow. The fool didn't have a decent clothing on for this weather! He has no snow clothes on and he decides to put his feet in the snow!  But oh how he loved that little fool. But what in the world was in doing? He couldn't be going after him could he? Vaati tapped the ball to be able to hear him.  The wind was so loud he could barely hear himself think.  He could even hear the other boys teeth chattering.
   "Just a little farther. "Shadow reassured the horse. "I think I see a building up ahead. "
   There was no building. At least there appeared to be none. With a wave of his hand, Vaati cleared the storm so Shadow could see. There was in fact a building there. More like a small log cabin house. Shadow ran to the door with what little strength he had left and pounded on the door.  A boy in green answered and pulled the boy into the house.
  "Boy what are you doing out in a storm in your summer clothes? !" The one in green asked.
  "I'm looking for Vaati. " shadow answered. 
  "The king? "Asked a boy in purple.  "He'll be difficult to find."
   Shadows eyes widened"you! You're the one who stopped me earlier! "
   "Who's there? !" Yelled a voice from upstairs.
    "Just a guest Blue! Go back to sleep! " said the green clothed boy.
  "A guest? " asked a softer voice.
    "Go back to sleep babe. "Said Blue.
     Shadow was escorted to a bedroom while the horse was taken to a nice warm stable.  Shadow changed into whatever pajamas there were in the drawer.  He laid in the bed and shut his eyes.
   Vaati smirked at this.  He tapped the ball again so he could talk to him through his thoughts.
  "So you're looking for me little Shadow? Well, I'll be waiting.,
   -Vaati?! - shadow thought.  -why'd you run off? -
   "You now know the truth.  You know know why I was forced to stay in that room all the time. Not only was I forced to hide my powers,  I was forced to hide myself..."
  -but that doesn't explain why you left. -
   "Don't worry sweetheart I'm getting to that. You see, what you don't know is that I was abused.  Whenever dear old dad was sure you were asleep he'd go in my room and preform every form of abuse there is. Mental. Physical. Even sexual.  I wanted to kill him but I could never to it. But when he hurt you that was the last straw. You see angle cake, I KILLED him. IM capable of killing. I don't know if I killed that guy at the party or not.  But I could've killed you again by accident. "
   -wait what do you mean by again?-
  "Do you remember that wolf that bit you Because you had bread in your hand? "
"That's a lie. I blasted it and got you by accident.  They did heal you and all but still.  I almost killed you.
  -where are you Vaati? -
  Vaati was puzzled. "Why must you know? "
  -because love you, -
  "I love you to.  But you must stay away. I'm dangerous. "
   -I don't care. I'll find you Vaati weather you like it or not. -

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