Chapter one

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"Vaati!" Shadow whispered while climbing onto Vaatis bed. "Vaati! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Vaati groaned still groggy from sleeping. "Shadow go back to sleep."

Shadow sighed and laid on to top Vaati.

"I just can't! The sky's awake! So I'm awake! So we have to play!"

Vaati hit Shadow with a pillow and gently pushed him off. "Go play by yourself."

Shadow groaned and stood up. He grabbed the end off the blanket and yanked it causing Vaati to fall off the bed. Shadow giggled at this. He thought payback was funny. Vaati pounced on him and started to tickle him. Shadow laughed and kicked his little legs in an attempts to break free. Vaati sat him on his lap and began to cover him in kisses. Shadow kept laughing because it still tickled. Once Vaati was done with the short tickle torture, Shadow nearly collapsed in his arms. Vaati chuckled.

"That's what you get from making me fall."'

"It got you out of bed didn't it?"

"Yeah yeah. But I still got my revenge."

"And I'll think of mine."

Vaati liked having Shadow over. His parents let him stay at his house while they went on a business trip. He found it strange that it'll be for a few years but he didn't care as long as Shadow was here. It was always better with him around. He had someone to play with. Not only that but Shadow was his first and only love. He remembered when his parents first showed him Shadow. He remembered how shy Shadow was when they first saw each other. Shadow also acted shy when the two boys first started to play. But over time Shadow learned that he can be open with Vaati and not be afraid to be himself. He felt Shadow lean his head on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" The blue eyes boy asked.

Vaati gave him a smile meaning yes.

Do you wanna build a snowman Vaati?Where stories live. Discover now