Chapter seven

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"How much further?" Blue groaned.
"How should I know?" Shadow whined. "It's not like I have all the answers."
"You have NO answers. " Blue replied.
"Could we not deal with this today?" Green said.
Blue crossed his his arms and huffed.
"This better not take forever."
After six more hours of searching the five boys decided to take a break. With five boys being hungry and with little food left in the sled it was a idea to stop and eat. They walked into a restraunt. A man with light tan skin, long white beard, his white hair was tied back into a bun. The clothes he wore where light green color. What the boys most focused on where his eyes. Black. The color of ink. The old man cleared his throat.
"Hello there. Follow me to your seat."
The boys obeyed. When they were seated and given their menus the old man took out a pen and paper.
"My name is Ezlo and I'll be your server tonight. "
-Where have I heard that name?- Shadow thought.
Ezlo sighed. "Crazy weather we're having don't you think?"
"Excuse me but have you seen another young male walk by here?" Green asked.
"The king perhaps?" Asked Vio.
"No. I haven't seen anyone of royal decent." Ezlo replied. "The only ones foolish enough to be in that storm is you five."
"Who you callin foolish?!" Blue almost yelled.
"Blue respect your elders!" Green snapped.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Blue snapped back.
Vio sighed. "Idiots."
"Guys stop fighting!" Said Red."We're in a restaurant!"
The boys looked at Red with a shocked expression realizing what he said was true. That was no way to behave in a restaurant. Red looked at them in disgust. Which was an usual thing for him to do. Red cleared his throat before turning to Ezlo.
"I'm sorry for their behavior mister Ezlo."
"That's ok young man. But you shouldn't be apologizing for them."
The boys felt ashamed. They sheepishly apologized for their actions. They were soon forgiven. Shadow interrupted before Ezlo could take their orders.
"Do you know Vaati?"
There was an awkward short pause. Ezlo nodded deciding not to lie about knowing Vaati.
"I do." Said Ezlo.
"How do you know him? I only asked because I heard your name from some where."
Ezlo sighed. "He was my student long ago."
The five boys eyes widened. Their mouths gaped. Ezlo was Vaatis teacher?!
"He was so young." Ezlo continued. "We had our ups and downs but he still loved having a teacher. Even if he did suck up to me every now and then." Ezlo chuckled.
"Why aren't you his teacher anymore?" Red asked.
Ezlos expression saddened. "The king and queen felt that I was strengthening his powers instead of helping him control them. I told those idiots if they kept him locked up his powers would spiral out of control! Now look what's happened!"
"What if you come with us to help find Vaati?" Vio asked.
"What are you planning bookworm?" Blue asked.
"If we reunite them then Ezlo might be able to help Vaati and things will go back to normal." Vio said.
"Vio you're a genius!" Red squealed as he hugged him.
"That might not be a bad idea." Blue admitted.
"We could give it a shot." Said Green.
"So what do you say?" Vio asked Ezlo.
"I will admit that's not a bad plan." Said Ezlo. "I don't know how I'll be able to help. But it would be good to see Vaati again after all these years.
After they had packed enough food along with extra clothes to last at least a month or two, they headed out once again. Shadow had to admit he was a little jealous of Vios cleverness but at the same time admired it. It felt good to have others around him. Others he could call friends.
Meanwhile Ghirahim and Zelda were hatching a scheme to erase the existence of the wind Mage.
"Vaati can not live on you and I both know that." Said Zelda.
Ghirahim sighed. "Yes I do. But why do you need my help to end the Mage?"
"He attacked you didn't he?"
"Yes."he admitted. "But I was out of line."
"Do you see what's going on around you?!" Zelda almost yelled. "Do you understand that he did this?!"
"As a matter of fact I do. We all see that he did this."
" The only way to end this is to end him."
"Tell me," Ghirahim began. "What do you have against the wind Mage?"
"Everything." Zelda replied. "He's ruined my life from the very start! I know one day he'd screw everything up and he managed just to do that today!"
"I don't understand how he ruined your life. In his defense..."
"WHY are you defending him?! He almost killed you!"
"Ether you're with me or against me! Don't you want this to end?! Don't you want everyone safe?!"
Ghirahim sighed. "Fine. I'll join you. "
Zelda smirked. "Excellent."
"But I won't kill him." Ghirahim said when Zelda left the room.

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