chapter 8

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Vaati paced back and forth. What was happening to him? Why couldn't he stop it? He never meant for this to happen. Why couldn't he control himself? - What's the matter?- said a voice that was very much like his.
"Who said that? " Vaati asked. "Who's there? "
-Don't you know? I'm the voice inside your head.-
"Great now I'm going insane."
-You could say that. But I am much more. I am what you've held inside yourself this whole time. Your bad emotions. Your anger. Your depression. Your true self.-
"Whatever you are I want you to go away. Leave me be."
-Don't you remember? You can't get rid of me. I am your other half.-
"Not for long." Vaati said as he summoned his old spell book.
-What do you think you're doing?!-
"What I should've done long ago. If only I knew about you long ago that is." Vaati said before speaking in ancient Picories.
-Wait stop!-
As Vaati continued the spell his tower glowed outside. The bright light had blasted away the clouds and natural disasters around it.
"Guys look over there! "Red said pointing to the bright light.
"Do you think that's where Vaati is?" Green asked.
"It must be! " Shadow cried. "I don't know anyone else who'd know how to get there."
"It is." Ezlo exclaimed. "I'd know that spell anywhere. "
"What spell would that be? "Vio asked.
"He's separating himself from the evil inside."
"Does that mean Vaatis good now? "Asked Red.
"He's always been good." Ezlo replied. "Just misguided. "
"We don't have much time. " said Shadow.
"Then we better get going!" Blue said as he turned the reins towards the light.
Unfortunately for them, others had spotted the light as well.
"You know what to do?" Zelda asked with a smirk.
Ghirahim nodded before warping toward the light.
Back at the tower Vaati's darker half repealed itself into its own being. He looked exactly like Vaati but a darker shade. He stood there laughing.
"So you were finally able to do it. Too bad you won't last long."
Before Vaati could do anything he felt arms snake around him and he was gone in a flash. Vaati looked around to see he was on a beach untouched by his magic. He turned to see that same guy that ruined his coronation.
"You?! What are you doing here! Why'd you take me away? !"
"Is that away to treat your rescuer? " he replied.
"Rescuer? !"
"You heard me right."
"I was doing just fine. "
"Of course you were."
"What do you want with me anyways?"
"I came to warn you. " Ghirahim said walking up to Vaati. "Zelda..."
"Is planning my demise. I saw. "
"Oh. So you know. Why didn't you run?"
"I never run. Ever!"
"Alright. Alright. Calm down..."
"You're holding me against my will. It's kinda hard to calm down. "
Ghirahim looked flushed." I am not holding you against your will! I'm protecting you from..."
"Look Debby Diamonds I don't need protection. I didn't need it when I was a kid and I don't need it now."
"How rude! Why if I was your father..."
"Well you're not. You're my age anyway. "
The men nearly fell over as the earth shook. Vaati grabbed onto a tree to keep from falling. Ghirahim did the same. Once the earthquake passed Vaati looked up to see the shy was a mix of black and red.
"Oh shit." Said Vaati. "He's releasing the army. But they're not ready yet. How could he be so stupid?!"
"How are we going to climb up that?" Red asked looking up at the larger tower.
"Great," Blue complained. "Just HOW are we going to get up there Shadow?!"
"The hell if I know." Shadow replied. "I've never seen this place before. "
"Well maybe you should..."
"CHILDREN!" Ezlo interrupted. "I thought you'd have more respect than that. "
Ezlo stepped forward. "You'll need the Pegasus wings."
"Where do we find them? "Red asked.
"They're around here somewhere. I put them in the Minish woods. But unfortunately that's near Zeldas castle. We are lucky that this tower is close to the woods."
"Why didn't you tell us this sooner? "Blue asked annoyed.
"I forgot. I'm old you know. " Blue face palmed. "Just how are we going to find it in all this snow?"
"I don't know." Red said standing on a stump. "But I feel tall." He giggled.
"Little boy," said Ezlo. "Do you like to sing?"
"Yes I do." Red replied. "I love to."
"Good. Now repeat after me."
Ezlo sang to Red the song if the Picori. As promised Red repeated the words. In a flash Red disappeared. The links gasped.
"What did you do with red?!" Blue growled.
"Where is he? "Green asked.
"I didn't do a thing to him. The one in blue should look on his right shoulder."
Blue turned his head to see a tiny Red Link sitting on his shoulder. Red waved to him.
"What the hell? "
"How did you do that? "Green asked.
"You saw what he did." Said Vio. "Now repeat the action. It's obvious this is what he have to do to get those wings. I'm not sure how we'll do with one pair. But we'll figure something out."
Once the all repeated the action they rumaged around in the snow. Their bodies shivered from the cold. They had never been that cold in their entire lives. Shadow snickered and threw a snowball at Vio. Vio raised an eye brow. Shadow giggled until a snowball hit him. Red looked at them and picked up a snowball. He aimed at Green before throwing it at the back of his head. Green turned around to see who through it. Red pointed at Blue who wasn't paying attention. Green looked at Red and raised an eyebrow. Red gave him a sweet innocent smile.
"Red? Are you lying to me?" Green asked.
Red was a terrible liar. But at the same time he got people to believe him with something as little as a smile. He tired that smile again but it didn't seem to be working on Green this time.
"Y..yes. "
"I knew it. "Said Green.
"Are you mad at me? "Red asked.
"Of course not. But if you lie to me again, no cookies for a week."
"B..but Green! "
"Are you going to lie to me again? "
"" Red hugged him.
Green hugged Red back. "Good. Now let's go throw snowballs at Shadow and Vio."
Blue threw a snowball at Greens face. The expression on his face made Blue laugh so hard he held his stomach. Red looked at them both.
"Green don't be mad. "Red said.
"I'm not. " Green said letting go of Red.
He scooped up some snow.Green felt another snowball hit the back of his head. Ezlo laughed as he threw more snowballs at the links. The links scattered before making forts.
After the small snow ball war they continued their journey. Elzo sighed.
"I haven't had that much fun since I last played with Vaati. That was so long ago."
"You really miss him do you?" Vio asked.
"You have no idea. "
Once they reached the Minish woods Ezlo lead them to his house. He pulled the wings out of the drawer. Ezlo looked out the window to determine weather they should rest or not.
"It's late. "He told the boys. "We should call it a night and head out in the morning. "
"That sounds like a plan to me." Said Green.
Vio chuckled. "Reds already asleep. "
Green smiled. "Where do we sleep."
"I have a few quest bedrooms. You can sleep there." Ezlo replied. "Goodnight."
After everyone else fell asleep Shadow left a note telling them where he was headed and he was taking the Pegasus wings with him. He told them he'd leave them at the bottom of the tower so they could use them.
Shadow soon set him out in the cold of night. He forced himself to walk that long walk. He didn't want to wake the horse up. Thanks to Ezlo they were able to shrink the horse as well. Shadow shivered as he stood in front of the tower. After using the wings to fly up there he threw them over the edge as promised. Shadow looked around. It was beautiful up there in the clouds. Just like Shadow pictured what the after life would look like. There was no time to look around. He had to get to Vaati. Shadow opened the door to the tower.
"Vaati? " Shadow called out. "It's me. Shadow? "
-Shadow? - thought Vaatis evil half. -What's he doing here? -
"Vaati? "
The darker half appeared before Shadow. Shadow looked up at him in surprise. Vaati looked different. He looked kinda scary.
"Vaati you look different. "
The dark half chuckled. He threw Shadow to the ground. Shadow grunted.
"What the hell Vaati?!"
He received a kick in the stomach. Shadow looked up to receive a punch in the face. Shadow yelped. He looked up at him with a sad look on his face.
" changed."
"Insolent fool. I'm not Vaati." He said lifting Shadows chin."Vaati is dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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