Chapter 3

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"I can't believe you Vaati!" Growled his father. "You almost killed that boy!"
The eight year old trembled before his father.
"I.. I.. I didn't mean."
"Bullshit you didn't mean to." He said grabbing his son by the neck. "You god damn freak! What can't you fucking be like a normal kid?! I'm done with your bullshit excuses!"
He threw his son into the book case. Vaatis mouth was bleeding. The small boy choked on his own blood. He coughed trying to get the awful taste of his blood out of his mouth before the king kicked him as hard as he could in the stomach. Vaati yelped on impact.
"Stupid bitch!" The king said as he repeatedly kicked him.
"You're lucky WE were able to save him! Once again WE had to fix something YOU fucked up! You can't do anything right! If you don't know how to act around other kids then you won't be around other kids! You will spend the rest of your days inside your room!"
Vaati was powerless against his dad. His dad was much bigger than he was. He has no choice but to take the beating. Tears rolled down his face. The pain was caused by the constant kicking and spitting of blood. But mostly that he'll never see Shadow again. Because HE did this. HE almost killed him. This was all HIS fault.
"Oh you poor baby!" His father said sarcastically. "What? Sad you can't see your little friend anymore? Or is it that I'm kicking you? Maybe both? Well.."
The man grabbed the small child by his hair.
"Do you know how much of an embarrassment you are to the kingdom? You can't control your powers worth a shit. Go to your room. Your grounded."
The king dragged the prince by his hair gripping it as tightly as he could. Vaati tried to get him to let go, but his dad yanked his hair every time. Once upon entering the room, Vaati was thrown against the wall. Once Vaati laid limp, the king walked out while locking the door.
The next day Shadow was searching for Vaati. The five year old boy had no knowledge of what happened the night before. He walked happily throw the halls searching for his love so they could go outside and play. As Shadow walked, his stuffed rabbit dragged behind him. The rabbit was baby blue like Shadows eyes. The rabbit was just a little bit bigger than him, but Shadow loved it anyways. Once Shadow reached Vaatis room, he knocked on the door.
"Vaati? Do you wanna build a snowman?"
No response. Maybe he was asleep? Shadow turned the knob to open the door, but he found it to be locked. Odd. Usually Vaati had it unlocked for Shadow. Shadow knocked again.
"I got my rabbit." Shadow informed."He misses you."
"I don't want to Shadow."
Vaatis dad said he couldn't see Shadow. But he never said he couldn't talk to Shadow. Shadow raised an eyebrow. Vaati loved playing in the snow with him.
"C'mon," Shadow said as he kept trying. "Let's go and play."
There was a long pause.
"I can't play anymore Shadow."
"Why?" Shadow asked with a confused look on his face. "Aren't we best buddies anymore?"
"We're still best buddies. We just can't play together anymore."
"That doesn't make sense." Shadow said starting to sob.
"Oh Shadow. If only you understood." Vaati whispered to himself.
"Don't you love me anymore Vaati?"
Vaatis eyes widened.
"Of course I do. It's just.. It's against the rules."
"To love me?" Shadow sobbed.
"No... To play with you."
"But why?"
Vaati sighed. "I don't know."
"I just don't know ok Shadow? I just don't!"
Vaati listened to Shadow cry outside his door. Shadow didn't understand why they couldn't play anymore. If only he knew if what happened last night. He couldn't. He was unconscious. Vaatis mother was outside of the castle. So neither of them knew. Vaati wanted to tell Shadow what happened, but he thought Shadow shouldn't know about abuse at the young age of five. Nobody should abuse their kids. Nobody should abuse anyone or anything. It's just not right. It broke Vaatis heart listening to that boy outside his door cry. Vaati did his best to comfort him from inside his room. He'd tell Shadow that he still loved him and that he always will.
As the years passed, Vaati had grown distant from his parents. He hated them. He hated his father for making him live this life. He hated his mother for not doing anything about it. The only good in his life was Shadow who still visited him everyday and every night. Vaati would listen to his dad yell at Shadow. One day, when his parents were asleep Shadow came to Vaatis door. The king had punched him in the arms and stomach. He also had a gash in his head. He came to Vaati crying and begging him to let him in. Finally Vaati couldn't take it anymore and willfully let him in. Oh how beautiful the boy had been. Even when he was crying. He held Shadow close comforting him as he healed Shadow while distracting him. Shadow wasn't supposed to know about his powers. When Shadow was healed Vaati let him sleep in his room. He'd wake Shadow up before the king and queen had awoken. That was the day when they crossed the line.
The king and queen went on a sailing trip. Too bad they didn't know that Vaati could control the weather. It was something he on his own discovered recently on a rainy day when he made the sun shine so Shadow could go outside. For a certain couples trip, Vaati decided it would be a disastrous one. He caused waves to become forty foot walls of water. The power ocean waves would crash upon the king and queens boat. He'd made boat turn and spiral in the wind. He made sure they were swallowed in a tornado and slammed back down into the water. Never to be seen again. Now, he was free.

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