Chapter 4

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Although Vaati was free, he still had to be distant from Shadow. After all, it was HIS fault Shadow almost died. He couldn't risk that. Not again.
"Vaati?" Shadow knocked on his door.
Vaati remained silent.
"Please!" Shadow begged. "I know you're in there!"
There was a short pause.
"I am." Vaati replied.
"Everyone's wondering where you are. They keep asking where you've been. But you know I'm here for you. You're not alone anymore. Please. Just let me in."
"I can't.... It's against the rules."
"Vaati they're dead!" Shadow almost yelled.
Vaati jumped at this. Shadow was never this loud when he spoke.
"We only have each other." Shadow spoke in a soft voice. "It's just you and me. What are we gonna do?"
"I don't know..."
"I'm tired of us being apart all the time. This is not what people do in a relationship!"
How did he know? He's never been outside the castle. But he was right. Vaati didn't like this either. But this is how it has to be. Shadow didn't understand.
"Did my parents leave me?"
That question came out of nowhere. What lead him to ask that?
"What?" Was all Vaati could ask.
"Did they leave me here?"
"What do you mean?"
"They promise me every night on the phone that they'll get me the next day.... But they never show up. In theirs letters they tell me they love me and the date they'll come to get me... But they never do."
This was enough for Vaati to open the door. Shadow fell back once the door was opened. He was using it for back support. Vaati sat next to him.
"They say that every night?"
"It has been a few years. You are eighteen now."
"They didn't know that. They forgot my birthday.... Again."
"How could you forget your own child's birthday?"
"How could you forget your child?"
That was a good point. It was a real shitty thing to do. How could anyone do that? It was a despicable act.
"I'm glad they left you here." Vaati said after a long silence.
"Why would you be glad about that?"
"I would've never met you."
"You still love me.... Don't you?"
"Of course I do."
"Then why are you always distant from me?"
"That's... That's for another time."
Three years later and the two have become a little closer. They'd do what any normal couple would've done. They'd tease each other, hug each other, and just have a good time together. Vaati was less distant. Which was a good thing. Shadow was starting to live a fantasy. That night they were laying in bed together. Vaatis arm was wrapped around Shadows waist as he slept. It was just like it was when they were kids. They both liked that.

It was coronation day. Vaati was about to be crowed king. He was in the dressing room trying to calm himself down. What if HE screwed up again. It wasn't fair! Why couldn't he be normal?! Vaati placed his hands on the table causing it to freeze by accident.
"No. No. No." He said nervously. "Calm yourself. Control yourself."
He took a deep breath to calm down. That was when he heard Shadow call his name. Vaati covered the table with a blanket. Shadow opened the door.
"I'm back."
Shadow was soaked. His whole body was covered in water and dirt. Was that apple pie all over him to?
"What happened to you?" Asked Vaati.
Shadow made his way over to the closet.
"Pig pie!" He exclaimed. "Well not a pig pie. Pig and a pie. And ocean!"
After a few minutes, Shadow walked out in a rather odd looking outfit. It was a purple suit with a yellow flower pattern all over it. Where the hell did that come from?
"What about his?" The blue eyes boy asked.
"Uh no. You're not where that to my coronation. That's going into the firry depths of hell of which it came."
"Oh right." Shadow ripped of the horrid outfit.
Soon after Shadow came out with an outfit that was MUCH to big for either of the boys.
"Oh! What is this?!"
"Oh my god."
"My hips are here! My hips are there!" Shadow said in a fake British accent. "Pardon my behind young man I didn't mean to knock you down."
Vaati couldn't help but laugh.
"The former queen said that was a gift."
Shadow raised an eye brow. "From who?"
"I don't know. Some big people's place."
"Vaati," said the duke. "It's time."
"Time already?"Shadow asked. "But we're not ready."
"Well hurry up." Said the duke.
The coronation was going fine so far. No one knew of Vaatis powers. Everything was going just fine. So far.
"You look beautiful." Vaati told Shadow.
"You look beautifuller! Well not fuller you know.. Beautiful. I'm not good with this stuff."
Vaati smiled. "Neither am I."
"Parties are warmer than I thought."
Before Shadow could say anything else he was interrupted by the duke.
"Your majesty. The duke of weasel town. "
The shorter yet much older man glared at the younger.
"Weslton!" He turned to Vaati with a smile. "Weslton your majesty."
"Hello." Shadow waved.
"As your closest partners in trade," the duke of Weston said doing a dance himself. "I find it rather fitting to be your first dance as king."
The man bowed his head while holding out a hand. The boys laughed to themselves as the man hair piece almost fell off. Luckily the man didn't notice as he lifted his hand.
"I don't dance." Vaati told him.
"Oh that's a shame."
"But Shadow does."
"What?!" Shadow raised his eye brows.
The man took Shadow by the hand and onto the dance floor. Shadow glared at Vaati. Why would he make him do this. Vaati waved saying he was sorry.
"Do you know why they closed the gates?" The duke asked.
"No." Shadow replied questioning why they did himself.
"Oh well." The duke dipped Shadow.
Shadow glared at Vaati once again. He was more than glad the dance was over. On his way back, he dumped into another man. This man was tall and gray. He had short white hair and wore a rather skimpy outfit. He wore blue diamond earring to.
"Glad I caught you." Said the strange man.
"Who are you?"
"I my dear am Ghirahim. " he stroked Shadows hair. "My you are a beautiful boy."
"Thanks." Shadow said uncomfortably as he tried to sliver away. "No if you excuse me I must be going."
Ghirahim grabbed Shadow by the hand.
"What's the rush? We've got plenty of time to how you say? Get to know each other?" He said as he grabbed Shadows butt.
People screamed as a wave of ice impaled Ghirahim to the wall. Shadow gasped as he saw the sight. Blood leaked out of the man. His body was pinned securely into the wall. Shadow turned to see Vaati there with an angry expression on his face. People where staring at Vaati with frightened expressions on their faces.
"Vaati?" Shadow asked in disbelieve.
Vaati looked down at Shadow realizing what he had done. He looked around at everyone's scared expressions. This wasn't supposed to happen. Now everyone was afraid of him. Even Shadow. He had no choice.. But to run.
"Vaati!" Shadow called after him as he chased him. "Vaati wait! Please!"
To was too late, Vaati was top far ahead of him. The whole kingdom was frozen. Even the ocean. Shadow tried to catch up but he kept slipping. He wouldn't stop though. A blonde haired boy dressed in all purple stopped him.
"It's no use. You'll just hurt yourself again."
"Who are you?"
"Someone who's taking you home."
The haired boy in purple carried him back to the kingdom. When Shadow found his horse, the boy was gone. But Shadow wasn't after the boy, he was after Vaati. And that's just who he was going to find. With that, Shadow rode off into the treacherous woods.

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