Chapter six

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"So why are you after this Vaati guy again? " Blue asked in a somewhat annoyed tone.
"He's sorta important to me." Shadow replied.
"Sorta as in..."
"Do you even know where Vaati is? "Green asked.
"Yeahhhhhh no." Shadows ears folded down when he admitted that.
His ears perked up when he got an idea. "That's why I need your guys help."
"OUR help?" Blue asked. "You don't even KNOW us."
"Oh... I.. I knew that. But if I don't find him who knows what'll happen."
"How do we know he's not evil?" Blue raised an eyebrow.
"Vaati is not evil! He's just misunderstood."
"That's what they all say." Blue scoffed.
"Blue we're heroes! It's our job to help!" Green informed.
"Fine! But if this guy tries to kill us," Blue towered over Shadow. "Somebody's gonna pay."
"Leave him alone!" Red jumped in."Don't you see that he really cares for this person like I care for you?"
Blues glare disappeared when he looked at Red. He sighed.
"Yeah I know."
The five boys retreated to the shed.
"What's this thing?" Shadow asked poking the sled.
"Never seen and sled before?" Blue scoffed.
"Blue!" Red scolded.
"Hmmf! " Blue crossed his arms.
Red turned to Shadow and gave him a shy smile. "Sorry about that. He didn't take his nap today so he's a little grumpy."
The boys then set out on their journey facing the blistering weather the wind Mage had created. The weather was getting worse and worse. Not only was the land swallowed by ice and snow but fire as well. The sky itself was painted of the flames of hate that Vaati was filled with. Shadow knew he hated his father but why would Vaati hate everyone else? They didn't do anything to him. Shadow looked around at the vacant area. It seemed as if all hope was lost. Why would Vaati do this? Shadow wondered. Only time will tell.
Red held onto Blues arm tightly. The small boy was shaking in fear. Blue stroked Reds hair.
"It's ok Red." Blue assured. "It's just a game."
That's exactly what life is. A game.
Meanwhile back on death mountain. Guards from another kingdom were lurking on Death Mountain. Zelda's guards. What business did they have with Lord Vaati? Absolutely none at all. Before the knights knew it they were swept up by a small tornado. They tried to slash it with their swords but mini tornados broke them in half. The knights panicked as they struggled to break free of the tornados impossibly tight grip. They more they struggled the tighter the tornados tightened around their bodies.
"Evening gentlemen." Said a sinister voice.
The two guards turned to the direction of the voice. There stood a man with long lavender hair. His sickening red eyes pierced their poor souls. The outfit he wore was black. The middle of the outfit consisted of with looked like a giant red eye imprinted on it. The pointed crown he wore resembles horns as if he were the devil himself.
"Why are you on my mountain?" The same man asked.
One of the knights grunted.
"We were sent to look for Prince Shadow."
Shadow? Why were they looking for him?
"By whom?" Vaati asked.
"Princess Zelda." The other choked out.
Zelda? Of course! That tramp was always after Shadow whenever she was over! Trying to get him to play "doctor " with him. Vaati laughed. This was too rich!
"Aw. Of course! Well why didn't princess Zelda come herself? " Vaati shrugged. "Since she loves him SO?"
"S..she...she?" One stumbled to find words.
"She's busy raising an army?" Vaati asked.
The knights fell silent. Vaati didn't like that. As Vaatis fists tightened the tornados tightened. One guard gasped for air while the other vomited blood.
"Yes! Yes! Your majesty! " said the blood covered guard.
"What a coincidence." Vaati said as his army of demons arose.
The knights shook in fear as they say those ugly beasts stare hungrily at them.
"Never underestimate me." Vaati threw them into the snow. "Now go! Tell Zelda to be ready for me! This will teach her not to think so lowly of us shadow creatures. "
The guards ran as fast as they could. Vaati smirked.
"How many men does it take to deliver a message?"
"One." Replied of his demons burning the blood covered guard to a crisp.
Vaati chuckled. "This will teach her not to put us at the bottom of the chart."

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