Chapter 2

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"You can't catch me!" Shadow teased as he ran down the hall.

"I bet I can." Vaati ran after him.

Shadow giggled as he opened the door to run out side. He was greeted with a chilling breeze from the cool winters air. He wasn't wearing a jacket or anything for snowy weather what's so ever. His teeth chattered, but he didn't care. He hid behind a tree and waited for Vaati to come and find him. It didn't take long since Vaati followed Shadows footprints. He picked Shadow up and spun the five year old around. Shadow once again giggled. He wrapped his arms around the eight year olds shoulders and put his nose against his. They smiled at each other. Vaati put Shadow down and stroked his face. Shadows smiled widened.

"Do the magic! Do the magic!" Shadow chanted excitingly.

Vaati moved his hands in a circular motion forming snow while Shadow stared in aw.

"You ready?"

Shadow nodded before Vaati released the snow. Shadow happily ran around trying to catch snowflakes. Vaati turned the snow on the ground into ice and held Shadow so he won't slip. Shadow always had difficulty skating but he's young so he has plenty of time to learn. Vaati guided Shadow along the ice holding him close so he wouldn't fall. Shadow looked down at his feet afraid he would fall. Vaati gently laid Shadows head on his shoulder.

"It's ok. I got you."

Shadow blushed a little and nodded. He held tightly onto the other boys hands. His eyes traveled from his feet to Vaati numerous times. Vaati smirked and pushed Shadow into a large and soft patch of snow he made appear. Shadow laughed and threw a snowball at him. Vaati pinned Shadow down and kissed his head. Little did the boys know, they had a visitor.

Shadow continued to look in the other boys eyes until he heard growling. He felt his heart pumping in his chest. He hid himself completely underneath Vaati. That same boy turned to see a wolf standing right behind them. The wolf was bigger than both the boys. Vaati held Shadow closer in a protective manner. Shadow watched the wolf glare at them. It's were teeth baring hungry for blood. Both the boys knew if they stood still instead of running maybe the wolf would go away. They learned this from Vaatis mother. She herself had an encounter with a wolf. Now it was their turn. Shadow did his best not to make a sound. He may have been scared but he had to be strong. The wolf growled once more and made its way to the boys. Although Vaati was on top of Shadow, the beasts eyes focused on Shadow. When the beast was about to take a bite out of the boy, Vaati sent it back flying into a tree with a wave of his hand. Shadow looked at him amazed. Vaati picked Shadow up once again and ran for the door. But the beast was right on their trail. Vaati put the boy down.

"Go inside." Vaati told him.

Shadow looked worried and held onto Vaatis shirt. "You go with me."

The wolf stood in front of Vaati snarling angrily at him. Shadow felt his legs shake with fright. He stared into the beasts eyes. Even it's eyes were angry.

"Shadow go inside. I'll be there soon."


"Go now!"

Shadow ran towards the door but he didn't go inside. He hid behind a bunch of snow to watch the fight. Vaati once again sent the wolf flying. The wolf charged right back. The small boy set up barriers of ice. This slowed down the wolf a little bit but not completely. The angry beast pounced on the boy. The wolf lowered its head to bite him but was greeted with a slap in the face by a stick. Vaati looked up to see Shadow there holding the stick and swinging at the wolf. Vaati watched as Shadow backed the wolf into a corner. The wolf grasped the stick in it's mouth tossing it aside. That same monster pinned Shadow down snarling at the boy. Vaati gasped and smacked the wolf with an icy blast. The wolf laid limp on top of Shadow. Vaati ran over and pulled the wolf off of the boy.

"Hey it's ok you can get up..." Vaati stopped when he realized the boy wouldn't move either.

He placed Shadows head on his lap. He was hyperventilating. Did he kill him? If he did he didn't mean to. He picked the boy up and ran inside.

"Mom! Dad!" He called several times.

His mother gasped when she finally appeared. She ran towards the boys taking Shadow from Vaatis arms.

"Vaati what have you done?!" His father asked worriedly. "This is getting out of hand!"

"It was and accident! I'm sorry Shadow." Vaati said holding the boys hand.

"He's ice cold." His mother said before his father could say anything.

"I know where we have to go." His father said quickly.

His mother put Shadow down on his bed and left with his father to find the directions to the place. Vaati climbed onto the bed with tears in his eyes. He held Shadow close to his heart so he could head the beat. Shadows fingers twitched a little. That meant that Shadow was still alive, but he needed help. He kissed Shadows lips and held him closer.

"You're ok Shadow," he whispered. "I got you."

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