Part 1

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Your P.O.V.
"Urg." You said, shutting you laptop. One more fanfic incomplete... Now I have to wait forever. You had just finished reading a CP fanfic and it was incomplete, plus it ended on a cliffhanger. You rolled of your (F/C) beanbag. You sighed again and got up. "(Y/N)! Can you come help us with our homework?" Your twin brother and sister called out. "Coming!" You said, stretching. You walked out of your room. You ran down your stairs and into your large dining room where the twins had their homework spread around the table. They looked up at you with their (E/C) eyes. "We got math." Your brother, Mitch, said. "Eww... Meth." You said walking over and sitting next to your sister, Ashe. "We are working on fractions." Ashe whispered. Ashe tucked a long (H/C) lock behind her ear and used her pencil to point to a problem. You opened you mouth to speak when your mother and father came home from shopping. They entered the kitchen that looked into the dining room. "(Y/N) don't help them with their homework. You know they need to get better at doing it alone." Your father said, unpacking groceries. "Fine..." You said. You quite liked to help the twins. You walked by and ruffled Mitch's long, spiky (H/C) hair. You jogged back upstairs and opened your laptop. You signed into your gmail and saw you had an email from an unknown person. You opened it, out of curiosity, once you saw what was in it your eyes widened. Curiosity killed the goddammed cat. It was the Smile Dog photo. You thought it looked cute. I'll set it aside... I can scare the shit outta my friends with it! You continued on the Internet until you parents called you down for dinner.
--Time Skip--
You lie in bed looking through the Internet at random things. Your paranoia was getting to you so you couldn't sleep. Instead you fed your paranoia with SCPs. You were watching the Indestructible Lizard interview and you were nodding off. After the interview you put your headphones on and listened to Three Days Grace until you fell asleep.
You 'awoke' in a city street. You heard a dog approaching you from behind. Crap. Oh my god I am gonna die! I forgot to forward it! You turned around. You looked at the red smiling dog. He cocked his head, he looked confused. You knelt down, not even realizing it, you pat his head. He looked happy. He barked once and then cleared his throat. "You're lucky (Y/N)." He said in a husky voice. (Heheh! Husky... So cheesy) You woke with a start.

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