Part 4

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Hoodie took you down to the second floor when Masky continued to the first floor. Hoodie eventually stopped in front of one door and opened it. "H-here you a-are, (Y-y/N)." Hoodie stuttered, you thought it was cute. "Thanks, Hoodie." You said, heading into your room. It was a pretty big room, two other doors one the bathroom the other the closet. The room was already painted (F/C) and your new queen sized bed had a black duvet and (F/C) pillows. You walked to your closet and peered in. It was filled with anything and everything you could possibly want. You decided to change into a (F/C) tank-top and a light black hoodie. You also pulled on some short blue jean shorts. You went barefooted, why not? You decided to go down to find Sally. As you entered the living room everyone's eyes were on you. Your (E/C) eyes found Sally playing with two teddy bears in the corner of the room. You started approaching her, keeping your head down, not making eye contact with the Creeps looking at you. You reached Sally and sat next to her. "Hi, (Y/N)! Wanna play with me?" She said, beaming. "Why not?" You said, returning her smile with your shy one. "Here you can play with Mr. P," She said, handing you one teddy bear. "This is Mr. Scars." Sally said, holding up a teddy with stitches. You two played with the teddy bears for a while until Slendy popped up out of nowhere. "Ahem," He said, gaining everyone's attention. "As you all can clearly see we have a new resident, (Y/N)." You waved shyly. "Get along with her or don't talk to her. Don't kill her, torture her or drive her insane. Thank you." He said, disappearing. "I wanna go take a nap. Thanks for playing with me (Y/N)!" Sally said, scooping up her teddy bears and skipping to her room. Quickly you spotted Hoodie and Masky eating cheesecake at the kitchen table. You slipped over to them silently. "Hi, can I have some cheesecake, too?" You said, slipping into a seat. "S-sure." Hoodie said, cutting you a piece and handing you the plate. You nibbled on the cheesecake and watched Hoodie out of the corner of your eye.

Hoodie's P.O.V.
I could feel (Y/N) watching me as she nibbled on her cheesecake. I was watching BEN and Jeff talk and point at her. I knew they were going to try to pull something. Suddenly Jeff stood up and walked over. Da fuck he doing? Jeff sat next to (Y/N) and tried to talk to her. She shied away a bit as he leaned in towards her in a slightly seductive way. I wanted to strangle him.

Your P.O.V
"Hi, (Y/N). I'm Jeff~" He leaned in. You backed up almost touching Hoodie. "H-hi, J-Jeff." You said, trying to be polite. He smiled pervertedly. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, it was Masky he had stood and made his way to you and Jeff. "Why don't we play a friendly game of Truth or Dare?" He said, glaring at Jeff. "Okay." You replied, giving Masky the 'thank you so much' look. I got up and walked to the couch with Masky, Hoodie following us. "Hey guys, we are gonna play Truth or Dare." Masky said to the group sitting on the couch. You were extremely bold when it came to this game. Everyone huddled around. Just about every major Creep was playing. There was E.J., L.J., Jeff, Hoodie, Masky, Toby, BEN but most were silent. You looked around at their faces from behind your (H/C) bangs realizing they were all guys. "I will go first." BEN declared. "(Y/N), Truth or Dare?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows slightly. "Umm... Truth?" You said quietly. "Would you date me?" BEN asked, leaning forward slightly. "No." You said just loud enough for them to hear. BEN looked disappointed. "My turn." Jeff said, elbowing BEN. "Truth or Dare, (Y/N)?" You though for a moment. "Truth." You replied. "I heard you read up on our stories... Who was your Creepypasta crush?" He asked. Oh shit. You crawled over BEN and leaned to Jeff's ear. "Hoodie." You whispered. "Okay then." He said. Suddenly L.J. burst into a fit of laughter. "I heard it!" He screamed, cackling. "Shit" you whispered and sat back. "It's-" You leapt up, reacting on instinct and slapped a hand over his mouth. "Do. Not. Dare." You said aggressively. L.J. looked up at you in shock. You resumed you position. "L.J.'s turn." You said quietly. "T-truth or Dare, Hoodie." L.J. nearly whispered. "T-truth..." He said. You realized that Hoodie was staring at you. "Do you like (Y/N)?" L.J. asked, smirking. "Y-yes. I d-do." He stuttered. With inhuman speed you leapt up and bounced over the couch and landed by the stairs hitting L.J. on the head as you went. "G-good n-night, e-everyone." You said, walking calmly to your room.

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