social trash-2

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Trigger Warning- Violence if you would like to read ahead skip to Shawn Carter underlined.

Day two in California, I was woken up by my dad confused and he looked confused at me. 

"Hey the social worker is down there and she wants to talk to you, I think to check up on you.", he said.

"She never cared before why all of a sudden.", I pulled the blanket over my head. 

"Look at this like a new opportunity they started doing their job, just talk to her it is probably nothing.", he lifted the blanket. 

"Fine, before she yanks me out of this house", I got out of bed. 

The time on the clock said 9 am, it was to early for this mess. I did not do anything to warrant a visit and did they not talk out yesterday. I do not understand the need for all of this to go down here.

"Hello Kynedy how are you this morning?", she asked cheerfully looking at me.

"Fine what do you want?"

Every eye on this room turned to me and none of them were smiling, I didn't care. 

"I just wanted to talk to you alone see how you are doing with the transition, can we do that?", she asked.

"Yes", I answered.

Everyone by that meaning my dad and beet root left the room and i was stuck with this lady she is a new lady, I knew they would change her. The previous lady thought my mom was saint but she was on my dad for every little thing. I felt she was following the same path only because he was rich man.

"I see you are not in a good mood why is that?", she asked.

"You woke me up at 9 am while I am on vacation. I am trying to get used to California time to add on to that.", I said.

"Attitude much, anyways I have heard you dislike Beyoncé? Has she done anything to you? Anything we need to know?", she asked.

"Disliking Beyoncé is my personality trait, she is nice lady. She treats me well and pushes for my dad and I to have a strong bond. She has a kid of her own why would she hurt me knowing she can lose her own baby. She hasn't even thought of hitting me."

"And your dad?"

"He's my dad??? I don't know know what you are insinuating here. I have barely spent a day here and y'all already trying to take me out of my dad's home. They are good parents, they don't hit me, they listen to me and they have never given me a reason to doubt they are good. Yet when I complained my mom was unwell I was beat I was attacked and laughed at.", I said.

"I hear your frustrations, can we take a look at your room? Make sure it is adequate enough for you?", she asked.

"I haven't even gotten a chance to decorate my room, I barely got here. We just moved in and I told them to wait for me to put anything beside a a mattress. You are not gonna take no so come on.", I walked up stairs to my room.

"There is not much in here.", she wrote in her little notebook

"Yeah my bed as you can see not fixed cause you woke me up, my clothes from here, boxes cause I got other clothes. If you come over here my nice bathroom you can't touch look at it very fancy.", I said showed her.

"When are we gonna get this room going for you to be in an adequate space?", she crossed her arms

We walked out the room, I was annoyed of her. She really had the audacity to show up now she want to dictate my rooms set up what if I only wanted a bed in there.

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