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"Mami mira todas las modelas estan bonitas, pero no comparan a ti. Eres la numero uno"
(Mom look all the models are pretty but none compare to you. You are number one)

"Ay mi amor, and you are my number one. Trae me agua por favor mija."
(Aw my love and you are my number one. Bring me some water please.)

I ran over to the fridge. There were many snacks there and I lowkey wanted to one but I decided to wait on asking. I noticed my dad was here, I was surprised it was rare that he and my mom were in the same place.

"Daddyyyy!!", I ran to him.

He picked me up, I looked around everywhere noticing there were more people here.

"Hi kido, does mom know you're right here?", he asked looking around nervously.

"Yeah I'm getting her water, she to get it. Are you here for mommy?", I asked, "you were at our place last Monday"

"Well yeah I'm def gonna see your mom but my other friend invited us her mother made the dresses. I come to support them all."  He answered.

"Oh I thought you were here to get back with mommy, I have to get her water.", I started leaning down.

"We will talk about that later baby I promise, maybe today I can take you home and we get pizza and ice cream."

"Only if the ice cream has pop rocks", I answered.

"Yeah it will weirdo, go get mommy's water."

I grabbed the water bottle and headed back to my mom who was coming my way. She looked mad.

"There you are, what took you so long!! It was so simple a water bottle Kynedy. No para durar una semana."
(No to take a week)
"I just saw-"

"No don't talk back I don't want to hear it. You do that again you wont be coming with me anymore."

I was sitting there confused every model was just looking at me with disgust. There was one blonde girl skin tone like me, she was smiling at me. She did a little heart shape with her hands and I returned it. She stopped me from crying and being in trouble I didn't know her, but I love her already.

Dad appeared again and he was standing next to the blonde girl, they were laughing at something. I didn't want to be with my mom but I felt I would be in trouble.

"Dad", I whispered for him.

He was slowly making his way over to me, I could see him wanting to change his mind.

"Hey Neveah, look at you all dressed up you ready?", he asked.

"Yeah I'm ready and I got my baby isn't she amazing.", she bragged about me.

"Yeah my kydo is amazing, I just saw her a bit ago getting your water. Can she sit with me?"

"Yeah I was gonna leave her back here, its funny she didn't tell me you were here", she got closer to him.

"I was trying to tell you", I answered.

"This is adult talk", she glared at me.

"You don't even give her chance.."

"Models line up we got five minutes everyone else to your seats or out of here.", a lady announced.

"Come on Kynedy, we got seats waiting for us.", I held his hand.

We made it to the seats front row next to some of his friends, I could tell he was looking at the blonde model a lot more. I could tell my mom noticed it and hated it. I enjoyed the fact I was with dad and he promised we could get ice cream later. 

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now