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I am the step mom the one who has the least interesting part of the story, I am the weak link the hated character maybe. Shawn Carter is my weakness I can not be away from him, I do not care the requirement. We met way before he got married to ex-wife who is sadly no longer with us.

We were best friend for the longest and we had dated for a brief moment up until he met his ex. He left me for her and I moved on we were still friends up until the day after his wedding I was cut off. I really did move on we were not friends he was not the one to call when I needed to vent or help with my albums or management. I was an independent woman who was a forced to be messed with no one could mess with me.

Then a day after his divorce finalized he called me and I went running his way. Was I wrong for that? Was I dumb for that? I do not know. He needed help with Kynedy's hair, he didn't know how to do it neither did his wife. They wanted to cut her hair off or perm her hair out she was only four years old.

My mom and I stepped in and gave life to her hair we gave him instructions to follow and her hair is long to this day. I did my best to give her good memories while doing her hair. The only way we got close is if I gave her money to let me to do her hair.  We never got that close we were both more reserved and I know I could of tried harder.

During the time we dated and were getting married I was also working a lot and not home as much. I wanted Shawn to have a strong bond with his daughter because he didn't get a lot of time with her. I in a neglected her not wanting to do that and it wasn't after we got married she started showing signs of it.

Her mom also hated me I don't know if that had to do anything with us but kid learns from their moms. I now am really trying to get her to change her perception. I just don't wanna be a try hard and push even further. I genuinely want a friendship with her.

Today was crazy I don't understand how people could work with children then lash out and yell at them. I was ready to step in and fight I would of dragged her out of my house if I wasn't pregnant with twins.

Anyways my plan was to go to Target and make a goodie bag for Kynedy. We recently moved and she decided the stuff she owned in her moms place would stay at New York in our other home. I knew she did not have a lot here so I meant to this earlier.

Now I was in Target grabbing her all sorts of things from toiletries to clothes. She is not with me because I want to surprise her and I also need to get some first aid things to help with her injuries.

After making my way around the school and grabbing everything I possibly could. I was leaving and getting lunch for today, we were having Panera Bread. For dinner we have someone to cook for us but lunch is on us.

Julius my bodyguard helped me load up my stuff into the car he was also driving for me. I was starting to get really big that means I have to slow down. I looked to my phone to see my momma calling me, I bet it is Blue.

"Hey mama, hey Blue Blue", I waved.

"Mama mama can I stay with auntie Solo", Blue blurted out.

"We will have to see baby I don't know if she is in a la too. Aren't you enjoying grandma time?",

"Yes but I want to be with auntie solo on Friday shes fun" I gapsed. She is so blunt let me say kids are just go for the gun crazy.

"So grandma is not fun?", I asked.

"Nooo I pove grandma she is fun but I miss auntie Solo", I laughed.

"I will talk to auntie Solo and your dad then we will decide okay baby" I answered.

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now