dad has a date... 15

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"Cant believe you would go behind my back like that, and to think I trusted you", I gasped holding back tears, "this just all a joke to you."

"No no", Beyoncé started laughing.

"Really I was in my element you know for being the Queen Bey you really need to step up your game."

"I know but man you could be a good actresses have you ever thought of Disney or that stuff?", she asked.

"Not Disney no no not Disney, I don't know I'm having fun. Maybe I will just join theater in high school and be weird like that.", I suggested.

"Why would it be weird?", she looked at me confused.

"You were homeschooled right those theater kids are crazy, straight up just do the strangest things. Did you not watch High School Musical? Any of the three movies."

"No I guess I have to watch them", she shrugged.

"Just google theater kids, anyways aren't you going out tonight?", I asked.

"Yes I am as you can see I am getting ready my make up is everywhere", she pointed to the make up.

"Where you going?"

"On a date with your dad, why? I'm gonna get a break from all the kids and have some quality time with my man", she said.

"Damn you glad I'm not your kid", I answered sarcastically.

"Haha when you have kids you'll see what I am talking about, go play with Blue be a kid. You are never a kid."

"That's what happens when your mom becomes an addict the child grows up fast and might not be able to be a kid again."

"Fine Ill call a therapist tomorrow you can start tomorrow. You have to be a kid again."

"No consider me playing with Blue."

"You still need some therapy it would be really good for you."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night... just remember I like to mess with you', I walked out the room.

She laughed I heard her do that class laugh. It was a her stage laugh when she upstages you. I was sort of waiting on Melody her parents went out with her to go explore LA as a family. I know they'd be back in time for my dad to leave for his date.

During that time I was playing with Blue, she was obsessed with her dolls and needed a partner. I did not mind cause she was quite crazy with these dolls.

"Melly", I yelled seeing Melody.

"Kiddddd", she yelled back.

"I haven't seen you in forever so glad you're back.", I laughed.

"You girls are something else. We are going to be heading out now behave and help with the babies." my dad walked in.

"Ok we gonna have a movie night."  I waved.

Carters Date Night

"First night you and I alone no babies in the belly and no kids. Just me and you babe", Jay looked at the menu.

"It feels so good not be pregnant all the heavy weight is gone. Don't get me wrong I loved it in the moment but now that I'm not pregnant there is so much I realized I was missing."

"I can only imagine that. So how do you feel having Kynedy at home? Is it still weird?"

"Sometimes I am forget she lives with us it is not often. However she is amazing, I love that shes allowing me into her life, and we get to have a relationship. I was worried she might hate me and a few days ago we had a such a touching moment." Beyoncé smiled.

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now