Chapter 5

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"Monica and Chandler are living together!"
"I love Jacques Coustau!"
"I wasn't supposed to put beef in the triffle."
"I wanna go!"
"Me too Joey, me too", I said to the television while trying to study.

I couldn't, I simply couldn't study. Hiddleston, Hiddleston, Hiddleston. He's the only one I could think about.

Why was life not as easy as in series like Friends? Everyone falls in love with who they want. They laugh all the time and do the most stupid things to each other. Here, you need to study, proof your good enough to handle the world and its puppets walking on it. But the worst of all: you can't fall in love with who you want, in my case Hiddleston.

For the past days that I haven't seen him, I couldn't stop thinking about him. In the past days I realized how I really feel about him and it's not good. Jonathan was right on a part of his ridiculous act: I love him.

From all the men I fell in love with, Hiddleston was the one by whom I really saw a future and by whom I felt the best and most comfortable. He is the one that made me feel alright and safe. He is the one from whom I believe he is the one, but that's a thing you always think when you fall in love.

I can't have this affair with Hiddleston if he loves me too. It's unacceptable. I must get over these ridiculous ideas so I'll do what I always do: keep your distance and don't be too close to him.

That sounds like a plan to me.

After the weekend I went back to classes, including the ones from Hiddleston. My classmates were all surprised to see me again and Sylvie and Tom looked relieved. I sat down without saying anything to neither of them and class began. 

I was rather quiet, keeping a low profile. Then the bell rang.

"Lauren, I am glad you're back", Tom said to me before I walked out his door.
"Thank you", I said polite and went away.

*Tom POV*

Why didn't she talk to me? She never leaves me like this. I could visit her. No, maybe a message? That would be a better idea, I guess.

*Lauren POV*

T: Lauren I hope you're doing well and I was delighted to see you back in class.

I ignored him and went to bed, reflecting on my day and work that I must do.

S: hey my darling wanna hang out tonight at my place? Xoxo Sylv

Should I go to her? It wouldn't be a bad idea though. A bit of distraction. I took my keys and went to her room. She opened the door and I saw that we were the only ones.

"There's no one here?"
"Of course there isn't. I wanted to spend some time with you. I feel bad for you-"
"I don't need your pity."

We sat down on her bed and started talking. I've missed these talks and it was great. We laughed, we spilled some tea to keep us up to date.

"I should go. I am getting tired, didn't sleep too well", I apologised.
"Sure sweetie you need it."

We hugged each other and I went back to my room.


It's been some weeks and my plan of forgetting Hiddleston seems to work. We were still polite to one another. We're not strangers. We just didn't talk that much anymore- I didn't talk much anymore. However, I tried not to look like a rude bitch. Tom's still a nice man after all...

Though it seemed everything was fine, Tom on the other hand wasn't. He kept trying to meet me after class or school. He also kept sending me messages regularly. Today he was going to take his shot-

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