Chapter 18

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"And above all for your sweet, ever-surprising mind which is an enchanting quarry in which it is my privilege to delve", I said the end of my lines. Tom started clapping and had a proud expression.
"That was really good Lauren", he said as he gave me a smile. I looked in the audience of students who were waiting for their audition and saw Sylvie giving me a thumbs up. I walked off the stage and took place next to her.

Next up was Louise. She did the same lines and yet again there was some applause, but Tom wasn't convinced.
"Thank you Louise you did good, but I don't really see you for this particular character. I think you're capable of doing something else", he explained.

She can be the tree.

She walked off the stage and now it was time for the boys to audition for the leading role. Jeffrey was up first and he gave us a wonderful audition. Sylvie and I were blown away.

"I never knew he was so good at acting", she whispered.
"Me neither", I said back.
"I think I know who are going to be the lead characters", Sylvie wiggled her eyebrows. I scoffed and watched the next audition.

"Alright thank you everyone for your auditions. I will divide the roles tonight and email you your character. Please make sure to read every character of the play and make sure you know yours the best", he said to everyone.

"Lauren can you stay please", Tom called me as I wanted to leave.
"Of course Sir", I said. I walked closer to him and waited for what he had to say. He patted the seat next to him to make clear I had to sit down.

He showed me his paper with our names and already a draft of who is going to play who. He pointed at my name.

Lauren: leading lady Kate

"Tom you're joking", I gasped.
"I am not. You did so great up there. You deserve it."

I looked down at who was going to play the leading male and it was Jeffrey.
"I knew it", I exclaimed as I pointed to his name.
"Two minds think alike-"
"Or maybe he just is an amazing actor", I said, "Aren't you going to get jealous?"
"I need to kiss him and stuff."
"Oh that", he looked down at his paper and he erased Jeffrey's name. Then he wrote his own on the paper and smiled mischieviously.
"Thomas William Hiddleston", I gave him a little push.
"Oh the lady is mad", he joked.
"She is", I giggled.

I got up and left the theater to find Sylvie and Jeffrey waiting for me.
"Let's go to class shall we", I suggested.

"Alright we've had some rehearsals before so this should be going just fine", Tom spoke as he stood at the front of the stage.
"The premiere is in a couple of months so Lauren and I have already looked for costumes and props. Louise has done a great job on the background and Sylvie and Jessica did a good job on everything that has to do with the public and management. Thank you all. Right let's start shall we?"

Jeffrey and I were first up. Tom instructed us what to do and how to say our lines. We rehearsed a couple of times and things went smooth.

During this project I noticed how Tom missed his call before he became a teacher. His acting was phenomenal and his directing too. He helped us a lot and gave us much feedback on how to do our scenes. He gave the whole play a little 'Hiddletouch' to make it unique.

"Right next scene is between Jeffrey and Louise. Will you please take your place on stage", Tom called them up. They did the scene when she finds out he betrayed her for my character. Theirs is right before our ending scene.

Louise tried to do her best, but her acting was terrible. Tom really got frustrated by her since she only tried to get closer to him. She was constantly touching him and saying "Oh god Sorry Tom. Can we do it again", and stuff like that. It annoyed him. Even Jeffrey once glanced over to me and rolled his eyes.

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