Chapter 16

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"Fell in love with who?"

My heart started beating in my chest, if it weren't to explode. Tom looked at me in shock. We both immediately looked at the door.

"God Sylvie don't you ever do that again", I calmed down.
"Sorry", she giggled, "Are you alright?"
"Yes. I am better", I told her.

She looked at Tom and me, a soft expression on her face.
"I see you're in good hands", she smiled.
"I guess so", I looked at Tom. He playfully wiggled his eyebrows.

"Gosh just kiss already", Sylvie laughed.
"With pleasure", Tom leaned in.

He kissed me deeply, his hands caressing my cheeks as I took his neck in mine. Suddenly he became more passionate.

"Alright, alright get your hands off her Hiddle", Sylvie interrupted us.
"For you it's still professor Hiddleston young lady", he said to her before giving her a quick wink.

We got up and left the restrooms. Sylvie took me in her arms and took my back pack.

"Do you want to talk about it", she asked when we headed to our rooms.
"No, it's fine. One day I had to tell him. It's just not in the way I expected it would happen."
"Are you going to visit your mother soon?"
"Yeah I haven't seen her with christmas. I must go."
"She'll be very happy."

I opened my phone and went to our chat.

L: Mom are you at home this weekend?

M: Yes, why?

L: I'd like to come over

M: Okay. See you this weekend x

"She's home this weekend. I'll visit her", I informed Sylvie.
"You should. Take Hiddle with you", she suggested.
"That's too early, plus I haven't seen her since this summer and I want to spend some time with her alone."
Sylvie agreed and we went to my room.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow", she said as I entered my room.
"Yes", I smiled softly.

I rang the doorbell of our house. She's coming, I hear her footsteps. The house was beautifully decorated, something she always does. She finds it important to have a house that looks in a good state, but also cozy. She says it tells a lot about the owners.

"Lauren, darling how I've missed you", mother exclaimed as she embraced me.
"Hi mom", I smiled. I entered our house and fell in the couch.
"It feels like I haven't seen you for an eternity", I said as she sat across me.
"It does, doesn't it", she asked rhetorical.
She went to the kitchen and brought something warm to drink.

"How's school darling", she asked.
"It's fine. I met some new people, I am on schedule and Sylvie and I are doing just fine."
"How about that one sexy professor? What's his name again?"
"Hiddleston, what about him?"
"Nothing, just checking", she giggled.
"Since you're interested, Tom and I are going to suggest the headmaster to organize a play we could do with our school. It was his idea."
"So you're allowed to call him Tom now", she smirked.
"Mother please", I rolled my eyes.
"That doesn't sound such a bad idea dear. Let me know when you'll perform it. I am defenitely going to come over to see my little girl on that stage", she said as he came closer and took my cheeks in her hands. 
"You're coming for me I hope, not Hiddleston?"
"Of course darling", she said sarcastically before winking.

A sound came from the kitchen and mother quickly got up to check. 
"What are you doing", I asked her.
"I made your favorite dish", she smiled.
"You shouldn't have", I got up to check on her.

We sat down at the dinner table and started eating.
"How is it with your lovelife", she asked with a little giggle. I looked up to her and started thinking about what I should say.

Should I tell her about Tom? Maybe I could tell her that I am in love with a Tom and not Tom Tom. 

"There might be someone", I told her truthfully.
"I knew it", she dropped her fork in her plate as she threw her hands up in the air form excitement.
"What's his name?"
"Tom", I said. Her eyes widened and she gasped for air.
"No! It's just a coincidence. He's someone from my class, but not Hiddleston", I smiled shy.
"I am happy for you", she said.

Little does she know...

"So have you guys done something together yet?"
"As in sex", I raised my eyebrows.

Is she really asking me this?

"No, I really don't have to know that," she giggled, "What I meant was, have you guys already spent some time together, not just hanging around at school and stuff."
"Yes, he took me to a little house where we could spend the weekend together. We hang out a lot actually. It's nice. And oh lord his dog is so cute."
"Says a lot about the owner", she smiled.

Oh indeed...

"What have you been doing lately?"
"Well I've been busy too", she said as she took another bite from her meat.
"Tell me."
"You're not the only one who fell in love you know", she said carefully.
"Am I thinking what you're thinking I am thinking?"
"Lauren, when I started working a couple of years ago in the hospital, remember when I told you about this 'hot sexy male nurse'?"
"You're joking", I gasped.
"When you left off to school, I had so much time left, I didn't know what to do. So I started texting with him and we got to know each other. We went on dates, hung out and recently we told one another how we felt. He's your stepfather."

I leaned back in my chair. Flabbergasted.

"You're angry?"
"No! Not at all! I am so happy for you! I mean, after all the crap you've been through, you deserve someone who really loves you and cares for you when I am gone. And a male nurse, God damn mother you got yourself the jackpot!"
"I am happy that you take this so well."

"What's his name again?"
"Edward", she said.
"That's not an easy name to moan", I joked.
"Oh shut up", she chuckled and finished up her plate. 

"When will I meet this lover of yours?"
"Well he had to work tonight so he couldn't be here. Maybe at the premiere of your play with Tom- the other Tom- your teacher Tom", she corrected herself still in confusion.
"Of course", I pulled out a forced smile.

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