Chapter 12

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"Finally some time to celebrate the holidays. I have enough of these exams", Sylvie cheered as we walked away from our last test, English.
"I got a good feeling about this one."
"Sure you do. Tom will correct you very mild", she wiggled her eyebrows.
"I don't to this for my grades Sylvie!"
"I know! Jeez, calm your tits. I was just joking!"

"Ah ladies how did it go", Tom walked up to us.
"Good I guess", I answered shy.
"You don't seem too sure. Are you alright?"
"Yeah it's just that- I always have like this feeling when exams end, I fall into a black whole because I don't know what to do to keep my busy you see."

He leaned closer and whispered close to my ear: "I have a lot of ideas to keep you busy."
I instantly blushed and he pulled back.

"Well ladies I'll leave you do your things and I'll see you soon", he said and left. I looked behind me and his assistant Louise ran towards him. She was barely wearing clothes from this point of view. Her skirt was richt under her butt cheek and her blouse was opened so your could see her cleavage.

What a whore...

He quickly looked behind him at us and rolled his eyes, subtle, which made me laugh. We walked out of the building and took the first bus towards the center of the city. 

"Where do you want to shop", Sylvie asked as we arrived at our stop.
"Where they have clothes", I winked.

We walked through town and hopped in and out some stores. Sylvie bought a new sweater in the first shop already and I a new pants. 

"Hey Sylvie I need some new school stuff. Do you mind going inside", I asked as we walked by a school supplier. 
"Not at all", she smiled. I entered the shop and immediately found what I was looking for. I took two new binders and some new course blocks together with new ink killer. We paid and left.

"Hey Lauren, you might wanna go inside this one", Sylvie pulled at my arm. She was looking at a lingerie store with, I'll admit, beautiful models. I gave her a questioning look, but reconsidered her idea. It wouldn't be bad to surprise Tom...

I giggled and pulled her along inside. A young lady came towards us and asked: "Can I help you girls with anything?"
"My best friend is actually looking for something sexy to susprise her boyfriend", Sylvie quickly answered. The lady smiled at me and asked me to follow her. 

She showed us some cute pieces and asked me what I feel the most comfortable with. I took a red piece in my size and left to the fitting rooms after thanking her for her help. Sylvie waited at the curtain and was eager to see me. 

I stepped out and took a look in the mirrors. Sylvie sighed as she saw me.
"You look absolutely stunning Lauren", she said as she sat down, amazed. I looked around and there was another man waiting for his girlfriend. He looked at me and gave me a quick thumbs up. 

"You think he'll like it", I asked shy as I adjusted the fabric a bit more. 
"Lauren of he doesn't fuck you on the spot than he's an idiot", she said, still inspecting me.
"Alright I'll take it", I concluded.
"Yass", Sylvie cheered.

We went to the casier and paid the lingerie. We left the store and returned home.

T: Free for tonight? x

"Tom asks me if I have any plans for tonight", I told Sylvie as I read the notification on my phone.
"It's like he feels what's going to happen to him", Sylvie joked, "Go to your man tonight. You deserve it."

L: I have plans... with you 😏

T: God don't say that 🥵

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