Chapter 1

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"Have you heard it? We're going to have Hiddleston again for English", my best friend Sylvie informed me overly excited.
"Hiddleston", I repeated his name softly while thinking about him.

I have to be honest, he had left quite the impression on me last year. And to be completely honest, he kept wandering through my head during summer break. Not only because of his appearance, but also because Hiddleston was an interesting person. There was a lot to get to know about him. Let's say he has many sides to be discovered.

"Lauren? Helluw? You there?" Sylvie waved her hand in front of my face as she snapped me out of my daze.
"What? Yeah", I said quickly, blinking my eyes rapidly. 
"Someone's dreaming", she teased me.
"Shut up."

We walked to our classroom to see Hiddleston again. I was quite nervous. It had been a while since we had seen him. I was thrilled to be able to talk with him again, to sit in his classes getting lost in my thoughts about him. His voice... Oh his voice was so soothing to hear. I could listen to him for days, for years- basically for the rest of my life.

"Ah hello ladies. It's been a long time", mister Hiddleston greeted us as we walked inside.
"Hello professor", we said in unison. Sylvie and I had to laugh. We looked so pathetic together.

We moved along to take our seats and took out our books. Hiddleston started his lesson and it was just like last year: amazing. I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying because I was mostly listening to how he was saying it. Besides, it was mostly looking back on the things from last year, a short resumé.

The bell rang and we had to pack our stuff to leave for the next class. I had to leave but someone had other plans.
"Lauren could you please wait a minute", Tom called for me before I went out of the classroom.

He was cleaning the black board. Everyone had quickly left, leaving us to be alone. He cleaned the chalk off his hands onto his dark blue trousers, leaving white chalk stains. He leaned against his desk at the front.

"I might be wrong, but I had the feeling you weren't really paying attention today. I understand it was mostly stuff from last year, but still... Is everything alright? This isn't quite usual for you and to be honest, I'm worried. Remember, you can talk to me."
"Everything's fine sir. Thank you for your concern. I think I just need to get used to get back to school."

I lied! I lied to the only professor by whom I felt most comfortable to talk with. It isn't about 'going back to school'. Okay maybe it was a little because getting back into the routine isn't as easy as I thought. But this was about the fact that I fancy him! I couldn't help but zone out while listening to him!
"If you believe that, then I'll believe you. Next time more effort please", he winked. He took his bag and we left the classroom together.

Sylvie waved at me from across the hallway and I quickly made my way to her.
"Tell me what did he say? More important what did he do", she asked with a cocky grin.
"Please keep your fantasies for yourself. Perhaps you could write a fanfic about Hiddleston, but nothing happened", I defended myself and Hiddleston. Sylvie has always been shipping us two together. God knows why... I've never made any move and it's not like I hang around his neck all the time.

Anyway, Hiddleston knew I was lying. I don't have problems with going to school unless I slept unwell or something happened and he knows that.

"A fanfic huh? I'll consider it", she chuckled, "See ya tom-orrow", Sylvie shouted as she put a lot of stress on the tom part to bully me. I scoffed and opened the door of the building where my dorm was. I made my way upstairs. I noticed there was a little envelope hanging on my door. I pulled it off and went inside. 

"It's probably Sylvie's", I murmured to myself before opening it. There was no name of the sender, only mine. I took a knife and ripped it open. My heart started pounding in my chest. Who could it be from? Who would actually do this? There was a single note inside written down on a simple white piece of paper. I immediately recognized the handwriting.

Dear Lauren

Here's a little note for you with my phone number, email address and my personal address. Keep this for yourself, please.

I didn't really believe you this morning. I am worried about you. See this note as a beginning of what might be a friendship. I am here for you if should you need me.

Kind regards

PS: text me if you found the note. Then I know everything's okay :)

Friendship? He wants to be friends? Should I text him? Is that even allowed? Well, he asks for it so why not?

I took my phone and gave in the number Tom wrote down.

L: Hello professor. I've found your note. Thank you for being so concerned about me. I really appreciate it.

T: Hello Lauren. Thanks for answering! I felt like offering you my help was the least I could do. I'll see you tomorrow! 👋

I put my phone in its charger and started a film on my computer. Studying had no use, we didn't see anything new today. Besides, my mind would be wandering off to much... Hiddleston. I sighed. I took his letter and got in bed. I kept rereading his message. I laid down the letter on my nightstand and enjoyed the good old classic film before, eventually, falling asleep.

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