Chapter 3

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"Hey Lauren, any plans for tonight", Tom asked me before I left the classroom. What was he up to?
"I was planning to do some studying why?"
"I was wondering, do you wanna come over for some dinner at my place? Maybe we can watch a movie. I'll get the snacks and the film."
"That's very kind of you Sir."
"Tom, remember."
"That's very kind of you Tom", I corrected myself with a little chuckle, "You know what? I'll come over."

At Tom's place

"Come in!" He opened the door for me with a lot of excitement. I could smell the food he was preparing. It smelled absolutely amazing. I could hear another pair of steps approaching me from behind the couch. I was greeted by a the loveliest Cocker Spaniel I had ever seen.

"Hello and who are you", I asked the dog as I got down to pet him.
"His name is Bobby", Tom introduced him as he took my bag. I kept giving Bobby attention. He was so excited, I was unable to calm him down. 
"What are you cooking?"
"Burgers and fries, but not the simple ones. No, they're more sophisticated", Tom explained like a real chef. I chuckled. 
"Smells great."

He walked over to his kitchen after putting my bag next to the couch. Bobby followed my steps as I walked over to the living room.

His appartement was big and open with in the middle a large, rather comfy-looking couch. From the kitchen you could watch the television and look outside the large windows.

"It's almost ready", Tom informed me as I sat down on the couch with Bobby who presented me his toy. I petted his head, trying to retrieve the toy until he let go if it. I took it and played a bit with him. He hopped on the couch and let himself fall against me, asking for belly rubs.

Tom arrived with two plates. I wanted to stand up and go to the dinner table, but he refused.
"We eat on the couch tonight", he explained softly.

I took my shoes off and crossed my legs in front of me so I could rest the plate on my lap. Tom handed me the plates and took off his apron. When he was settled, I handed him his plate back.

"This looks great", I said while holding the plate in front of my eyes and turning it around to see the other sides. It looked very delicious. Meanwhile, Bobby had laid down next to me with his head on my leg looking at how we we're enjoying our meal and secretly begging for a piece as well. 

"What movie would you like to see", Tom asked me while he took the remote and turning on the tv.
"What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know is there anything you really love. I don't care if I have already seen it. As long as we're having fun I'm good", he smiled war.
"Oegh, I do like Star Wars a lot and those are films you can never get enough from", I said not trying to become too excited.

When it came to Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter and other classics I could become a real geek. I tried not to scare people off by it.

I really get lost in those stories and well I am a simp for a lot of the characters and their actors. I guess that's why people often react strange. Being a nerd on that matter is often seen for boys, not girls. It's not very 'ladylike'. Well, I couldn't care less about that.

"I didn't know you liked those films. To be honest I've never really watched them. I know the plot but nothing more."
My mouth fell open. How could he not have seen them? He was one of the people I believed to know everything about it. He literally knows Shakespeare by heart, but not Star Wars? 

"Hiddleston, darling," I sighed, "you're a disappointment", I touched his arm softly.
"Say it again."
"You're a disappointment."
"No the other thing", he chuckled.
"Sounds good when you say that."

I felt my cheeks turn flaming red. He- He- what?

"Let's just start with the film, shall we", I got embarrassed. 
Tom opened Disney plus and searched the films.
"Where do we start?"
"Okay now you can choose. We watch them in the order of the episodes so according to the timeline of the story or we watch them by date: first the originals then the prequels, sequels etc", I explained.
"What do you prefer?"
"I believe it's better to watch them by date because then you will experience the big moments of cinematic history like they were back then. If you watch the prequels first you won't have these 'oh my god!' moments."

Tom looked at me as if I said something wrong or killed Bobby; his eyes wide and surprised.
"What", I asked him giggly.
"You should become a teacher", his gaze softened again. I gave him a little push and he selected 'A New Hope' on the television.

We finished eating our burgers and I took the plates to the kitchen. Tom wanted to help me but I refused.
"No you stay here. I'll do the dishes. You've already done so much for me."
"You should know, I have a dishwasher", he informed me while he took my arm and pulled me a bit down to bring our heads closer.

I felt a bit dumb. I should have seen that coming.
"Well... Let me put them in the dishwasher", I smiled softly.

I quickly put everything away and went back to Tom. Bobby was sitting straight up waiting for me to return. I sat down and he quickly laid back next to me. He pushed his little body against me. I laid my arm around him and petted his side. 

"Do you want a blanket", Tom asked me. I nodded and he went to the chest in the corner where he kept his blankets and extra pillows.

He emptied the entire thing! Every blanket and pillow was soon laying on the couch. He sat back down, his arm on the headrest and patted his chest. I snuggled up to him resting my head on his chest like he suggested. Bobby let out a little cry as he looked at us.

"Sorry buddy, I stole my date back from you."

Tom opened his mouth to say something. Something that would explain himself, but immediately closed it again as if he was going to regret saying it. 

"God why is he so handsome?"
I realized I said my thoughts of Tom out loud and had to find a subterfuge.
"Harrison", I said quickly.
"You like him?"
"Come on look at him", I said while making hand movements to the screen on which he was appearing.
"You're right. Pity for you he's already old enough to be your father-"
We laughed and continued watching the film.

I slowly felt my eyes close. Tom pulled me closer to him and pulled up the blanket, making sure I had no cold.

"Stay here for tonight. It's getting too late", he suggested me softly.
"Thank you Tom, for everything."

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