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    Fu Li moved quickly and began to write: My name is Fu Li, but you can't call my name, you have to call Ma Ma.

    Lu Zhe automatically ignored her last sentence and wrote: My name is Lu Zhe.

    However, when this came to Fu Li's side, the phone screen read: My name is Zai Zai.

    Of course Fu Li knew her cub's name was Zai Zai, after all, she took it!

    She finished chatting, went to eat breakfast first, and saw Zai Zai working hard to write an essay, which felt very cute. Her cub is so cute, but she doesn't seem to have a girlfriend?

    Fu Li asked in his heart: "System, do you have a harem plot in this game? Where is the harem of Zai Zai? It's a 20-year-old adult. It's not too much to talk about a few girlfriends, right?"

    System: "...Host, this It’s a game of raising cubs, not a game of harem."

    "Can’t raising cubs have a harem plot? Even if you don’t open the harem, it’s okay to talk about a cute girlfriend . Cubs are too pitiful, right?" Fu Li said, "Look. His classmates don’t even deserve to have a face, they have girlfriends. He is so cute and he doesn’t even have a girlfriend?"

    "Host, Zai Zai has no money now, although he looks good, but if you talk about a girlfriend, The economic pressure will be great." The system reminded.

    "Yes, if you find someone who is too rich, what if you look down on my cub?" Fu Li nodded in agreement.

    Although it was Saturday, Fu Zhengtao still had to go to the company, leaving Fu Li and the helpers and aunts at home.

    While Fu Li was doing homework, he occasionally watched Zai Zai doing part-time jobs. Suddenly, his cell phone received a text message from his classmate: Sister Li, we made an appointment to sing in the afternoon. Would you like to have a show of singing?

    Fu Ligang wanted to refuse, but his body uncontrollably typed and sent: Go!

    She suddenly realized something. While preparing her body uncontrollably, she silently said in her heart: "Check the original."

    [Lu Zhenchuan and Su Chunchun were about to go to the library to do their homework, but they were seen by Fu Li who was about to sing.

    Fu Li asked the driver to stop, followed them after getting off the car, staring at the two of them studying in the library, while Su Chunchun went to the bathroom, Fu Li caught her in the bathroom and slapped her when they met and questioned her Are you dating with Lu Zhenchuan? After

    reading the plot of the original, Fu Li couldn't help covering his face, beating and scolding others like this. The original owner of her body must be a female protagonist that everyone hates in this novel.

    Su Chunchun is the granddaughter of the old housekeeper of the Lu family. The old housekeeper has followed him when he was young, and his feelings are extraordinary. If he is a subordinate, he can be regarded as a half master. Su Chunchun grew up with Lu Zhenchuan since childhood. As a childhood sweetheart, Lu Zhenchuan felt that Su Chunchun was easy to be bullied when he was a child, so he took special care of Su Chunchun.

    This indeed drew hostile glances from many girls to Su Chunchun. After all, Lu Zhenchuan is good-looking. From childhood to most of the school grass, his family is superior, even if the girls don't like him, they still have a good impression of him.

    If there is no such a strong background as Fu Li, Su Chunchun will not matter even if she is hostile by the girls in the class. After all, everyone looks at Lu Zhenchuan's face, and no one dares to embarrass her. But Fu Li's parents died at a very young age, her sister married early, her brother was busy with work, and no one cares about her at ordinary times, and she is accustomed to being spoiled, and there is a richest man with her brother-in-law, which is unscrupulous.

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