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    Fu Li's cheeks turned red when he was kissed, but Lu Zhe also looked embarrassed, and his eyes fell on his lips unconsciously. In the next second, she rushed directly and bit Lu Zhe's lip.

    Lu Zhe was taken aback, and soon recovered, put her in his arms, and continued to kiss her.

    Both of them are novices. They didn’t pay much attention when kissing, and they reached their teeth. After a kiss, Fu Li shrank in his arms, not embarrassed to look at him, but vomited: "Your kissing skills don’t seem to be very good. . "

    ".. you are the future but we can practice more, will be fine, "Lu Zhe flattered brought back corners of the mouth, a finger playing with her hair rolled up and asked:"? you do not sleepy sleepy, take a nap in the afternoon to do. "

    "Yes, but I don't want to sleep with you." Fu Li said: "I want to sleep in your bed, you go to the guest room to rest."

    Lu Zhe kissed her forehead, "Okay, the bed is for you to sleep."

    Fu Li was a little bit ready to move. , Just got up and went to Lu Zhe's room.

    Lu Zhe’s room was very clean. He didn’t have much stuff. After entering, Fu Li lay on his bed and rolled on the bed with his pillow. "This bed is mine for now!

    " Childish. Take off your sweater when you go to bed, so that you don't wait to get cold, and cover the quilt." Lu Zhe said.

    Fu Li stopped his movements, looked at him, and said, "You go out and I will take off again."

    Lu Zhe's face was red, and he turned and walked out of the room, closing the door by the way.

    Fu Li opened the Raising Cub app on his mobile phone and saw him go to the living room and sit in front of the computer to do business affairs, thinking that his business is not easy.

    Fu Li took off the sweater and velvet socks, opened the quilt and went in, covered the quilt, feeling very warm, then opened WeChat and sent a message to Lu Zhe.

    Zai Zai Meng Meng Da: Are you working? Don't work too hard.

    Lu Zhe saw the message and started typing to reply.

    The cutest baby: I know, you go to bed, little lazy pig.

    Cub Cub Meng Meng Da:? ? ?

    When Fu Li saw the words "little lazy pig", he couldn't believe that he was talking about himself.

    Has he ever seen a pig that is so beautiful, cute and slender like her?

    The baby is the cutest: [kiss]

    Cubs are cute: [ Zuo He hum]

    Fu Li put the phone aside and touched his stomach, there was not much meat, and then touched his arm, it was very thin, and then touched it again. After touching the legs, the meat is still not a lot. The only place where there is more meat is the breast.

    He has nothing in common with pigs, he must be blind!

    She slept on Lu Zhe's pillow and closed her eyes. Although it was not long before school started, there was no breath of Lu Zhe on the bed, but lying on his bed, Fu Li felt as if he was sleeping in his arms. He rubbed the pillow immediately and fell asleep happily.

    Fu Li slept for an hour and a half, then woke up in a daze. She put on her clothes, got out of bed and made up the bed, then opened the door to go out, and saw Lu Zhe still facing the computer.

    "Wake up? Are you hungry?" Lu Zhe asked subconsciously.

    "Do you really think I am a pig? After eating and sleeping, eating?" Fu Li looked at him in surprise. She hasn't slept for long, how could she be hungry?

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