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    Fu Li arrived at school late this day, almost late. When I sat down in the classroom, the bell for self-study just rang early.

    The self-study this morning was to read English, and many people in the class took out English vocabulary books to memorize. Fu Li also took out a small book to review. This was one of the few times when she studied seriously.

    At this moment, Lu Zhe, who is also studying in the early morning, is wearing a limited edition of clothes bought by Baby Fu Li, wearing a watch of 300,000 pieces, and sneakers worth 50,000 on his feet. Look down and let a few boys in the class understand. The famous brand students were a little surprised.

    Lu Zhe used to wear clothes that were expensive for the student party, but they belonged to the kind of people who could buy good clothes for their children if they had a little money.

    However, the current situation is that this person is down, but someone with a little money in the family can't afford him at all.

    In fact, there are not many people in the class who understand these luxury goods, only a very small part, but after the topic is discussed, many people will talk in private.

    Lu Zhe was not affected at all, only looking at Fu Li in the phone.

    Seeing that she was reading English words, Lu Zhe clicked on the mall and prepared to buy her something. When I saw Bu Nao Pills, click to view the description: A good product that improves memory and brain responsiveness. After eating, it can make your baby learn faster (PS: the premise is that the baby has to learn).

    Lu Zhe checked the price, one for 100 gold coins, and one pill lasted for a month. This is not expensive. After counting, there are still four months before Fu Li Baby’s college entrance examination. Lu Zhe bought four. Click to use it directly. Then I looked at other things and found that Fu Li could use it now, he had already used it for her.

    Lu Zhe pondered for a moment, opened the suggestion box in the lower left corner, and typed in the text: I hope to have a class system to arrange lessons for the baby.

    After he submitted his comments, it showed that the comments were being reviewed. Lu Zhe thought that the review would take a certain amount of time, so he didn't pay attention to the raising cub app.

    At noon that day, when Lu Zhe opened it again, he found that the school system had appeared in the lower right corner of the app.

    His eyes lit up, guessing that this should have been given to him by Fu Li before, and it would suddenly add a lot of knowledge sub-systems in his mind.

    When I clicked in, I found a desk and a cute chair in the screen. Immediately afterwards, a white frame appeared, and it was introduced: The learning system can only be used when the baby is not in class and not working. The courses are diversified and you can choose by yourself. The courses need to be unlocked, and unlocking requires krypton gold. The first lesson of the course is free. Without using any props to speed up the learning speed, a class is one hour, please finish and buckle your baby’s class time.

    After Lu Zhe finished reading, he clicked on the screen, the frame disappeared, and then he checked the course schedule.

    The courses are classified into several categories: cultural courses, art courses, professional courses, physical education courses (fitness and body shaping).

    Lu Zhe thought for a while, and felt that with the previous few words, Fu Li might clearly notice that there was some knowledge in his mind that he hadn't learned, so he clicked on the physical education class. After reading it, he chose "Strengthen The first lesson of the "Fitness" course, the first lesson is a free trial, and the subsequent lessons are unlocked for 1 gold coin per lesson.

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