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    Although Fu Zhengtao didn't have the time to talk about feelings, from the perspective of an onlooker, he could tell at a glance that the kid looked at his sister not easy. Not only that, but his sister's eyes on the stinky boy are also the same...

    just the same as when his other sister was going to be with her brother-in-law now!

    Fu Zhengtao thought a lot in his mind. Although Lu Zhe entered the rich list at a young age, it proved his ability is not bad, but because of this, he is less likely to agree to become a parent.

    His parents are also alive. If his sister gets married, not only will he have to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, he will also have a few older brothers, a nephew who is as old as Fu Li...

    what is this! ! !

    From the perspective of a businessman, Fu Zhengtao admired Lu Zhe very much.

    From the perspective of his brother, Fu Zhengtao hates him to death! It feels like this pig is going to pick up his cabbage!

    Huh, his cabbage can be arched if he wants to?

    How could Fu Li think of the thoughts in his brother’s heart, and he was standing with Lu Zhe, and found that someone was looking towards them. At the moment, he felt that it was too obvious to behave in such a public place, so he said: "I have to first I'm looking for my brother."

    "Okay." Although Lu Zhe was reluctant, he still agreed.

    According to his original plan, after meeting tomorrow, he explained clearly, and then the two of them could go on a date.

    Although I explained in advance, there is still no chance for a date. When the dinner is over, Fu Li must go home first.

    When Fu Li returned to Fu Zhengtao, there was still someone next to him, so he didn't ask.

    It wasn't until the dinner party was over to go home and sitting in the car, Fu Zhengtao asked, "What's the matter with that kid?"

    "Just determined the relationship." Fu Li's face was red, and he didn't hide it.

    After all, she is already an adult, and this is not regarded as a puppy love, and she doesn't think there is anything to hide from her brother.

    Fu Zhengtao sighed helplessly, and said, "My brother originally planned to find you a son-in-law."

    Fu Li: "It doesn't matter if you don't come, I can manage the company if you don't."

    Fu Zhengtao: "The population of his family ." It’s complicated. When you married, not only did you have the problem of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but also property contention.”

    Fu Li: “The big deal is that we move out to live. As for the property... Don't look down on it!" The

    Lu family is not as rich as Lu Zhe yet!

    Fu Zhengtao: "..." There seems to be some truth in what he said.

    Fu Li smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, and we are in a relationship now, you don't need to think so much about things in the future. Others are very good. After we have been together for a period of time and stabilized, I will take him. Go home for dinner, you guys have a good chat."

    Fu Zhengtao: "..." While you are talking about things in the future, you don't want me to think about it so much, and at the same time you say that you will take him home for dinner in the future. Isn't this contradictory? ?

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