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    Lu Zhe felt extremely ashamed all this day, and he wished to go back and write on a piece of paper to educate the little girl.

    However, business was so good in the shop at noon today. He ate lunch after delivering the food and hurried to the afternoon class.

    Finally, the food delivery at night was over. After he got home, he didn't care to take a bath first, and wrote on the paper: Are you touching me this morning?

    After he finished writing, he stood up and changed his clothes. After finishing his work, he looked at the paper and found that there was no reply, so he took a shower first.

    He took a shower very quickly. After swiping the card, the utility bills were common. Even if Fu Li charged him forcibly for several hundred, he was not willing to take a shower and spend money all the time.

    When he came out of the bathroom, Fu Li had already replied: Yes~

    She seemed to be completely unaware of her mistake. Lu Zhe frowned seriously, sat down and continued to write: You are a girl, you can’t touch a man like this The child's body.

    And it's the position of the butt...

    Lu Zhe blushed again when he thought of being touched by Fu Li's butt during the day.

    So, Fu Li, who stared at the screen of the phone, was a little puzzled, why is Zizai blushing? She just poked him a few times in the morning. Although it was okay to poke his ass, but Zai Zai is just a bunch of code, and she still remembers it all the time, showing shyness? ? ?

    In any case, the Q version of the three-headed villain is still very cute to buy with such a blushing appearance!

    At the moment, Fu Li couldn't help but clicked the cub's face again.

    Lu Zhe almost immediately felt something touching his face. The strength was not so gentle, but it didn't hurt.

    His face is even redder, is... is she touching him?

    Lu Zhe suddenly remembered Fu Li's childish character. The more she is not allowed to do it, the more she wants to do it.

    In other words, he wants her not to touch him, so maybe she wants to touch him?

    After thinking about it like this, Lu Zhe felt a touch on his butt again!

    Lu Zhe: "..." I seem to be taken advantage of QAQ!

    Lu Zhe blushed and wrote: Men and women are unclear about giving.

    Fu Li replied: I am you!

    Lu Zhe: ...

    Fu Li: Zai Zai, you have never called Mama, hurry up!

    Lu Zhe: I was very tired from delivering food today, so I will take a rest.

    After speaking, Lu Zhe began to open his quilt.

    Fu Li had an air conditioner in his southern home, so he felt the temperature was just right when he wore a long-sleeved trousers pajamas that were not too thick. But the winter in the capital is really cold, even if the doors and windows are closed, Lu Zhe also put a long down jacket on the outside of his pajamas, so that the cold at home will not be so cold.

    Looking at the chubby body of his cub wearing a down jacket, Fu Li was cute.

    Later, Zai Zai took off the down jacket, wearing only the autumn pajamas inside, and hurried into the bed.

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