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   After the icon is turned on, the phone screen turns white for a moment, and then it shows that the game is loading.

    The loading speed was a bit slow, but Lu Zhe waited patiently, not in a hurry, until the game interface showed a cute little house.

    I clicked all around the system, and a paragraph of text appeared, beginning to introduce various functions.

    It is nothing more than to introduce how the map looks and how to switch, where the mall is, the recharge ratio of gold coins and RMB, etc.

    After all the introduction, a frame appeared on the phone: You have learned how to use the cub raising app, come and raise cubs together~

    Lu Zhe clicked the screen, the frame disappeared, and then, a cute room appeared on the screen A little girl.

    She was sitting at the table and was immersed in writing something.

    Lu Zhe felt that his heart rate was increasing, and when he pulled the distance away, the phone magnified the girl's appearance.

    She looked at the chubby little one, with flaxen curly hair dangled, and she was wearing cute pink home clothes. She was holding a pen in her tender white and tender hand, her brows frowned slightly, and she brushed. Write down.

    Even if there is no introduction, Lu Zhe thinks that this should be Fu Li!

    He magnified the paper page she was writing, and found that what she was writing should be a paper with a title on it.

    Lu Zhe raised his mouth slightly, then shrank the page and looked at Fu Li carefully.

    She is very cute, this is the same as he thought, except that there is no bangs, four or six side bangs, there are two strands of hair of different lengths on the cheeks, and the curls beautifully cover both sides of the cheeks after being rolled up.

    A round face, as he thought, eyes occupy one-third of the area of ​​a face, just the same as she said to see him.

    From this point of view, his appearance on Fu Li's phone is also such a cute Q version.

    The three-headed short legs are so cute.

    Lu Zhe looked at Fu Li who was working on his homework and couldn't help but raise his mouth. He knew why Fu Li would call himself Ma Ma, calling him a cub.

    At this moment, a frame appeared on the little girl's head, and the system prompts: Please name the cub.

    Lu Zhe thought about it, Fu Li raised him as a son, then...he raised Fu Li as a daughter.

    At the moment, he entered the word "baby" and then clicked "OK".

    After the naming, Lu Zhe watched Fu Li still doing his homework, and couldn't help but want to see the things in the mall.

    Looking at the closet in Fu Li's room, she should have no shortage of clothes. Lu Zhe directly clicked on the health column and found that there were many things in it.

    One of the fitness drinks, the picture looks the same as the one Fu Li bought him.

    At the moment, he is more and more convinced that the app is high-tech. He looked at it, and the drink had to be drunk directly. If something suddenly appeared, Fu Li might be shocked, so let's get something else first. When he saw the nutrition injection, Lu Zhe curiously clicked to read the description: Provide all the nutrition for the baby within three days. After the injection, the baby will not feel hungry even if he does not eat within three days.

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