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    The flight lasted more than two hours. Fu Li originally wanted to talk to the senior, but soon fell asleep.

    While she was asleep, Lu Zhe opened the Raising Cub app. The app can be used without connecting to the Internet. Looking at the two sitting Q version villains on the phone, Lu Zhe secretly poked a few screenshots and saved them. , Then he turned his face and looked at Fu Li.

    She looks good on her face and her profile. She has no makeup, but she has very long eyelashes. The nose is more delicate, but it is also tall, the lips are pink and tender, I put on a thin layer of lip balm, and I just look at it... I want to kiss!

    Lu Zhe's face turned red immediately, and he quickly turned his head back, feeling that he was extremely ashamed of this idea. We haven't officially been together yet, how can we think about this?

    Fu Li slept until she was about to get off the plane before waking up. She rubbed her eyes, and then looked at the time, and found that she had been asleep for nearly two hours. She immediately looked around and saw the handsome senior man reading the text on the phone. .

    Fu Li stretched his waist, and then thought of his contact information that seemed to have not added the senior, and said: "Senior, shall we add a WeChat?"

    Lu Zhe turned his head and started typing: already added, last time.

    Fu Li: "...???"

    Fu Li thought for a while, and suddenly thought that the WeChat that she added before, she has always been very strange, it seems to belong to the class teacher, but it doesn't seem to be. Because the teacher in charge of the class group added QQ directly, and the teacher never gave them WeChat.

    Fu Li reacted and opened the WeChat last time, "Is this?"

    Lu Zhe nodded.

    Fu Li's face flushed immediately, "I...I thought it was the teacher's WeChat account."

    Lu Zhe just smiled and did not type.

    Fu Li was still happy at first, thinking that not everyone in the class had this WeChat, because when she was suspicious, she asked three roommates, and they all said that they hadn't added this WeChat.

    Isn't that... he only added her?

    Thinking of this, Fu Li couldn't help but start narcissistic.

    Ah, does he like me! Did you fall in love with me! Otherwise, why do you add me to WeChat!

    Fu Li felt happy in his heart and suddenly thought of something. He immediately checked WeChat. His nickname was: The cutest baby? ? ?

    His baby...who is it?

    Fu Li suddenly felt cold.

    I thought it was a teacher before, thinking that this baby might refer to the teacher's son or daughter. But if it's a senior... At the age of college, the probability of having children is very low, so it should be his girlfriend?

    Fu Li felt that he had fallen out of love before he even started to fall in love, so he was a little unhappy next.

    Lu Zhe didn't realize that something was wrong with her until she got off the plane. When the two went to pick up the luggage, she was alienated and had nothing to say. Then she walked out of the airport and had a car to pick him up at each house, and they separated.

    Lu Zhe didn't understand what was wrong with him, so he could only frown and think.

    It was fine, did he do something wrong?

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