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   Fu Li originally thought that most boys are straight, but now he feels that his boyfriend is not. Not only was she seen when she learned to make-up before, but now she is still very good at talking to make her happy.

    Humph, it's not a loss for men who sell women's skin care products and cosmetics. It seems that they have studied girls well.

    Although Fu Li felt ecstatic in his heart, he was a little unhappy, and said, "I can speak, how many girls

    have you coaxed before ?" "No, I coaxed you." Lu Zhe answered honestly. Where did you have time to fall in love before?

    "Reluctantly believe you." The

    two ordered the milk tea. Fu Li took apart the straws and took a sip of hot milk tea after poking it down, feeling the body warmed up all at once.

    Fu Zhengtao learned from the helper’s aunt that Fu Li was out today, and immediately thought that she was going on a date. So when the two of them were drinking milk tea, they sent a message to tell her to remember to go home early. It was not safe for some people. Even more insecure.

    Fu Li had already guessed who this "some people" were referring to.

    It got dark early in winter, and it was already dark after four o'clock. Lu Zhe could only send Fu Li home first. When she went back, he was still a little bit reluctant. But when I thought of starting school in a few days, when I was in school, I just had to send her back before the bedroom closes, and I felt happy.

    Two days later, Fu Li packed his suitcase and was ready to go back to school.

    Fu Zhengtao happened not to go to work that day. When she stayed at home, she was busy packing her luggage. She was in a good mood and couldn't help but exhorted: "You should take care of yourself when you go to school. Some people with ulterior motives have money. Our family has money and we don't need to use other people's money."

    "Oh." Fu Li replied perfunctorily. Lu Zhe is not someone with ulterior motives, but her cubs!

    Fu Zhengtao knew that she hadn't listened, and worried that Fu Li would be annoyed by saying too much, so he could only say: "Remember to go back to the dormitory on time every night and not spend the night outside."

    Fu Li understood the hint in his words, and his face immediately became red, "I got it!"

    Fu Zhengtao shook his head helplessly, feeling that his little cabbage's heart has been biased towards the pig, and he was afraid that it would take him soon. Forget the words of admonition.

    After finishing his suitcase that day, Fu Li ate lunch and dragged the suitcase downstairs and set off for the airport.

    She and Lu Zhe made an appointment to meet directly at the airport at 1pm, and the two bought tickets for the plane at 2:30.

    At 12:58, Fu Li rushed to the airport. When walking towards Lu Zhe, she found Lu Zhenchuan and Su Chunchun standing beside him...

    She guessed in her heart that Lu Zhenchuan and Su Chunchun had bought the tickets with them, and she was suddenly refreshed and wanted to see it. Lu Zhenchuan's expression later.

    Lu Zhenchuan was originally waiting for his younger uncle's girlfriend. When he set out in the morning, the younger uncle said that he had a girlfriend, who is also in B, and went to the capital with them today. He was very curious about what his uncle's girlfriend looked like, after all, it was his future aunt.

    At the moment when he saw Fu Li get out of the car, because her appearance was too good, it was hard not to pay attention. Lu Zhenchuan only felt that the luck was not good today, and the plane was about the same time as Fu Li, so he could only secretly pray that it was not. The same flight.

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