Chapter 14

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Malakai's POV

"If you didn't do anything then why do I see blood?"

"It's not blood. I spilled something."

"There's a circle on your knee."

"Please stop it!"

"I'll stop once I figure out what happened. I'm just going to hide stuff now. I'll drop it. I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you're safe. Just..don't do it again."

"I won't. I didn't like it."


"You don't have to hide anything."

"Actually I do. You'll get sharp objects when you're not alone. Alright new topic. It's just you,me,and Sora home. Do you want to watch anything?"

Rose wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'm sorry I'm letting them win."

I felt scratching on my leg.

"Hey buddy."

I picked Sora up then put him on my bed.

"How bad is the cut?"

"It's small. Why?"

"Let him lick it."

"Huh? Do I have to?"

"No. I always do."

She rolled up her pant leg and sat on my bed. Sora started licking her.

"Malakai? Do you think my mom really meant it when she said that she was disowning me?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you think my dad will make me go with him?"

"Don't you remember? He said he knows you want to be here. Rose? Did you zone out again? Hello?"

She holding her chest. Then she started backing up.

She's gonna fall!

I went to the other side of the bed to catch her. She elbowed me in the stomach. She started running towards the bathroom. I immediately knew why she was going there. I grabbed her waist.


"It's me! Calm down!"


"You're at my house! You're not there anymore!"


"I'm right here!"

I spun her around.

"Look at me! Look at me!"

"Get off me! Please!"

She put her hands on my chest and started pushing me.

"Mary you need to relax."

"Don't call me that! Only he can call me it!"

"Rosey breathe."

"Stop calling me what he calls me!"

"I'm right here!"

"I can't fucking do this anymore!"

"What can't you do anymore?"

"Everything! I can't be here anymore! I can't be alone! I want to go home! If you're not going to let me go home then just kill me!"

They really messed her up...

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