Chapter 23

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                         Rosemary's POV
Once we got home I finally got some sleep. A few days after the trial was Mal's audition. My brother started coming over to hand out with me during the day. When I was completely alone I started playing games on the computer. A few weeks later Mal got a call back call.

"Rose? I'm back!"

I stopped what I was doing and walked downstairs.

"How did it go?"

"I got the "we'll call you" from them." I have to go look for an actual job now."

"We still have enough money. You don't have to freak out about that yet."

"I know. I know. How was your day?"

"A bit boring honestly. I played games all day again. Adrian mentioned that I can get paid to play them."

"Yeah. You can. You just have to livestream it."

"Does that mean I'd have to talk?"

"No. I don't think so. I don't think they have to show your face also. I can help you set that up if you want. We can look up what you would need then we can go get it."

"Can we do that tomorrow?"


I scanned his body. I ran around the house making sure all the blinds were shut.

"No. Not right now."

"Is everything okay?"

"I just don't like how the audition went."

"It was your first one. It didn't go well. So what?"

"Can I just say something that may sound weird?"

"Is it a good or a bad thing?"

"Depends on how you view it."

"Okay go ahead."

"Ever since you came back just about everything that happened to me is good."


"Yeah. I've been happier. My sister doesn't hate me anymore. I'm married to my best friend. I live on my own."

"Maybe I'm your good luck charm then."

A few weeks later in the morning I woke up with Malakai's arms around me. Someone's phone started ringing.

"Is that yours?"

"I think."

He let go of me so he could get his phone.

"Hello? That's me. Who is this?"

I rolled over and put my arms around his neck.

"Wait really?! When would I have to be there? I'll see you next week then. Thank you."

He hung up and put his phone down.

"I got it."


"I got a part!"

"Oh my god!"

"They're sending me an address to go to on Friday."

"This Friday?"

"What day is it?"


"I don't know if you'd be able to come with me."

"I'm probably not. That's okay though."

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