Chapter 25

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Rosemary's POV
I had a weird feeling that something was up with Malakai. He seemed tired and stressed. It's gotta be because of what happened yesterday right? If I'm right then I guess I'll have to worry about him too. I got up and did what I normally do. The one that was different was when I logged onto my account and saw I had gone from one hundred followers to five hundred nine thousand.

How the hell did that happen?

Most of them are kids.

Maybe when the game's that Malakai is working on are done I'll play them.

That'd be funny.

Every time I play a game I lose track of time.

"Rose? I'm back."

"Hey! How was it?"

"My throat is most likely going to be sore in the morning. You seem extremely happy today."

"Look at how many people are watching."

He looked at the computer.

"Now look at how many people are following me."


"I have absolutely no idea. I just woke up and saw it this morning."

"Are you almost done? I'm finally allowed to talk about a little bit of what I've been doing."

"Wait really?!"


I ended the livestream and stopped playing the game. I stood up and Mal grabbed my hand and led me into the living room. We both sat down on the couch.

"I had so much fun today! So they had me and the other actor in clothes that have things on them. It looked like eyes. The weapons had them too. So they had us going through the scenes. Okay so for example. In one scene there's an argument. We got told to imagine we were yelling at someone we hate and just started screaming."

"Let me guess. You imagined Hailey?"

"I was actually thinking of all of THEM."

"Do you have a picture of what you were wearing?"


He showed me his phone.

"Is she the other actor? She's prettier than me."

"No she's not! Nobody's prettier than you!"

"Are the characters together?"

"Our characters are siblings. There's nothing romantic. I made it clear I wasn't going to do that. They're letting me keep my ring on though."

"How are that going to explain that one?"

"They haven't figured that out yet."

If they add a wife to his character he'll be with another woman that's probably going to be prettier than me too.

I started getting upset.

"I'm not jealous. I just-I just don't want to see you with another girl."

"I'd get it. I'd be the same way if this was you and not me. Like I said. I made it EXTREMELY clear I'm not doing anything with anyone else. If it makes you feel better you can come with me tomorrow. They said I can start to bring you as long as you don't say anything."

"You look tired. You didn't sleep did you?"

"I couldn't fall asleep. I was too worried. Did she call you?"

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