I'm Your's Dep La Raya x Namaari. 🥰

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Raya's pov

Since everything was getting back to normal in Kumandra I've been working with my father to help heart and the other tribes with getting everyone back in shape but it hasn't been easy yes everyone is at peace but no one knows what to when it comes to rebuilding and if we should remain separated. I know I don't want to stay separated especially from my friends and Namaari I haven't seen her since she left Heart a few weeks ago she's been visiting me every week since we save the world but she stopped showing up. Lucky we are having a meeting with all the tribe leaders so I hope she comes.

"Raya! I need you down here the leaders are here." I heard my father yell I came down from the roof of our home and stood by his side. Soon all the tribe leaders were stood infront of us. "Welcome, please follow me and we can head to the meeting room." My father said which made me smile. I looked for Namaari but I couldn't see her until I felt myself being pulled into the hall way.

I was pressed up against the wall by the one and only Namaari. "Namaari you're here." I smiled but she shooshed me. "Quick come with me." She said and before I knew it we were in the city.

Namaari smiled and finally hugged me. "Oh I missed you Dep la." I said as my hand accidentally touched her hair. "I missed you too Raya, but there is something you must know." We pulled away and Namaari took me into an alley way where we climbed up and sat on a tall building's roof. "My mother doesn't want me visiting you anymore unless it's as a leader." I frowned and touched her hand. "Did she say why?" Namaari held my hand to her heart and answered. "She says you're a distraction. That I won't be a good leader with you in my head."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Then don't go back Dep la." Namaari looked at me tears threatening to spill. "I can't stay Dep la, you know that my tribe will crumble without a leader." I copied her action and put her hand to my heart. "Namaari...I. I want to be your's." She smiled and held our foreheads together. "I want to be your's too."

Just then we heard someone down in the street. "Did you hear the chef wants to make an alliance. I heard he'll do anything to get Kumandra back and so will some of the other tribes."

Wait that's it. "Namaari follow me." I said as I rushed towards the open window of my room and we went inside. "Now I have an idea but you need to promise me that you're okay with it." I said looking towards Namaari as she fidgeted with her rings. She looked me in the eyes. "What do you have in mind." She asked before I sat her on my bed and asked. "Namaari will you be mine forever." Namaari smiled and bought our lips together. I pulled away slightly. "Is that a yes?" She laughed and whispered. "Yes." We then kissed again and held eachother close as I told her my plan.

We headed down stairs into the meeting room were everyone was yelling and not getting anywhere. So we walked up onto the table like the bad ass girls we are and held our held hands up high. "Fang and Heart want to become one." I said smiling at my father. Everything went silent. "We will be married and our tribes will be united." Namaari said as she looked at her mother with dead eyes.

(After the meeting and all thats been sorted)

The leaders all went to there rooms for the night but Virana. "Well Namaari you disobeyed me and came to heart again." My father came over and said. "Please Virana, our children have just announced their engagement and have thought up plans to help build Kumandra. Please let us celebrate." I smiled at my father but Numaari still look upset. "Fine. Marry her. I just hope that you to will be strong leaders." After that Virana left to her room. "Don't worry about her words Raya she's always been blunt and cold." Numaari said before she kissed my lips but my father interrupted.

"So Namaari will you want your own room or will you share with my daughter like every other week?" We looked at him and blushed hard. "You know about that?" I asked. Namaari was actually sneaking into my room every week we would hang out, talk, then she would sleep on the furthest side of the bed to me. We were always sort of thankful for my giant bed. Somedays she would leave before I woke up."Of course. My guards see all." We blushed hard again before I grabbed Namaari's hand and ran to my room.

We entered it and Namaari led down on the bed. "This day just tired me out." She said which made us both laugh. Tuk Tuk came over and I gave him a hug. "Hey buddy." Namaari took of her shoes, earrings and bangles. She then wiped off her make up which I followed and then removed my bangle. We both dressed down and I got under the blanket. "Did you want to sleep closer tonight?" I asked which made Namaari smile. "Of course Dep la." She cuddled into me close whilst we soon fell asleep in eachother's arms."I'm Your's Dep La."

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