Home. Catra x Adora. 🥰

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(This is set after the end of that last season.)

Adora's pov

Once we got back to the camp I gathered my things and some other stuff I would need before I heard Catra come in "Hey Adora," I stood up and smiled at her before wrapping my arms around Catra and just holding her. "You really love me hu?" Catra laughed which made me pull away to look at her "Catra! Of course I do!" Catra laughed again in that cute way she always does before pecking me on the lips and brushing my hair out of my face. "Hey, calm down, I was joking. " I laughed a little before blushing and suddenly finding the grass quite interesting "Adora." Catra said lifting my chin up and pulling my hair out of the band "I like your hair down. " Catra smiled as she said that before we were both called.

"Hey lovebirds! Its time to go!" Glimmer yelled. We both exited my tent and noticed Glimmer getting on a horse. "Okay Glimmer we were just getting ready." I laughed as Swiftwind came towards me and smiled. "So you must be Catra! Adora was always talking about you!" Him saying that made me blush hard but Catra just laughed again and touched his nose. "Hi Swifty, can I ride on you for the road trip?" Swiftwind nodded his head before Melog came towards Swiftwind and Catra introduced them. "Oh Swiftwind this is Melog, Melog meet Swiftwind. " Melog meowed at Swiftwind wind before Glimmer yelled again. "Come on let's go!" I sighed and helped Catra onto Swiftwind before getting on myself and throwing my bag onto Glimmer's cart.

We were soon on the road, we decided we would help out of each kingdom with repairs and such and stopping at any villages we pass. "So the closes kingdom is a few days away but there is a town we can stop at tonight." Bow said as he watched the map. "Wouldn't it be faster if we fly and you telaported?" Catra asked as she rested her head on my back. "What's wrong with travelling by horse?" Glimmer asked smiling in Catra's direction. "Its just going to take forever. " Catra whine which made me laugh. "Hey Catra." She looked at me and I gave her a smirk before petting her head. "Don't worry it be over before you know it. Then we can go home." I smiled and kissed her ear.

Once at the town we booked two inn rooms before heading up and settling in. "I'm going to sleep." Catra said as her and Melog jumped on the bed and curled into each other. I sat on the bed also and took off my boots and jacket before placing my sword down and lieing down my chest flushed against Catra's back. I wrapped my arms around her and placed my face in her neck. We soon fell asleep whispering to eachother and sharing kisses.

Two month since the start of the road trip has started and they are almost finished.

Catra's pov

All this time being on the road trip Adora was talking about home, and being back to normal. It bugged me and I could tell that Melog knew how I was feeling, its some kind of bond we share now. "I don't know what to do Melog! I don't want to live in Brightmoon thats not my home. I just want it to be me and Adora. " Melog put their head on my lap before meowing and locking my hand.

I smiled and soon Adora came in pushing fans away. "Fan girls are always wanting me. " she laughed I laughed back before turning around to see She-ra. "Oh hey." I said nervous, I didn't know her she could be a completely different person for all I knew. "Hey Catra, its still me. I'm just a bit taller and buffer." I looked up and saw her smiling at me. "So, you're not a different person at all?" I asked confused. "Nope, just better looking and braver." I laughed but Adora seemed to mean it. "Adora! I love you not miss buff princess, just the way you are, okay?" Adora changed back to herself before hugging me and pulling me in for a kiss. "Hmm that just keeps getting better." I said smiling which made Adora laugh and kiss me again.

"I can't wait to get home so we can sleep on a normal mat." Adora said as she sat on our most bouncy mattress yet. So we slept on the floor with Melog as our pillow. "Um, Adora. I'm not sure I want to live there." I said sitting next to her. "Oh? How come?" She asked looking a little worried. "I'm just not sure I would feel comfortable there. I like simple." Adora's eyes lit up and she smiled brightly. "Oh my, Catra! I was thinking the exact same! " I smiled and brought our lips together. "I'm so happy!" I said in between kisses. "I actually had an old stable built up to be a house before we had to evacuate Brightmoon. It was so I could be close to Swiftwind and live comfortably. " Adora explained before we moved to the floor to lie down against Melog. I stared at Adora in aw "I can't wait to see it."

Once we got to Brightmoon Adora brought me to the stables where Swiftwind wind left us to roam and we headed into the house. Where there was a piece of paper stuck to the door. "A note? It says,

Dear Catra and Adora,

We all pinched in the help finish your dream home. We hope you like it!

Love, The Princesses. "

Adora finished reading and opened the door we walked in and saw all of the essential put in plus a bed for Melog and a place to hang Adora's sword, which she did and we went up the stairs to a loft. "Aw they put in a mat!" Adora smiled before I found another note. "From Scorpia." We searched around the house to find notes from everyone saying who gave what. "This is amazing. " I smiled before holding Catra and falling down onto the mat with her. "I love it here, I think we can make this our home." I smiled kissing Adora's nose. "Well as long as I am with you, I'm home."

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