「 03; Who? 」

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Back in school, but this time, they went with Heeseung. As the bell rang, they bid each other goodbye then went to their respective classes.

Most of the time, Ni-ki tried to keep himself awake in science class as the teacher was just explaining some formulas to the students. Jungwon was also in the same class as the younger just zoning out and unintentionally tapping his pen quietly.

The hyung line was in math class, the teacher calling and asking for some students to solve the word problem. Jay and Sunghoon sometimes pass each other some notes since they were bored of the same numbers and symbols. Heeseung saw what they were doing and giggled softly seeing the soon-to-be couple passing love notes.

Finally, the bell rang and went to the cafeteria but this time, Heeseung joined the table. The six of them shared random moments that happened in their classes. The eldest like the cupid he is, spilled what he saw in class and Jayhoon being embarrassed as they were caught by the one and only heeseung.


"Jay hyung why won't you confess now~"

"I told you guys I'm─"

"─yeah yeah, waiting for the right time.

Jay let out a deep sigh and continued savoring his meal as the group changed the topic.


"hmm, there's this student who's always alone, I wonder why"

"Yeah true, I heard he's really secretive and is sometimes forgotten even by the teacher.."

"Huh? What's his name?"


Before Sunoo could give the name, the bell already rang signifying the students to go back to their classrooms.

"I'll tell you later bye Heeseung hyung! Jayhoon supremacy!" He playfully ran to his class so he can't be caught.

Time passed and everyone was dismissed. The friend group told their goodbyes and parted ways.






[Sunoo 🦊]


Sunoo 🦊:
you called?

the name of the boy
you guys talked abt

Sunoo 🦊:
oOooOh does
heeseung have a crush 👀
anyways his name is jake or sim jaeyun idk

ah okay thx

(⌕ Jake ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ)






"Well that was easy"

"Oh his is a private account─" The boy sighed and flopped back to his bed. It was getting late now and he still has school tomorrow.



'Why do I want to know you Jake. Who even are you?'


✓ 𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌¹ | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐢.Where stories live. Discover now