𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.

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December 24, 2021

"i'm back!~"


"Sun!!" Both Niki and Jungwon ran to their other lover, trapping him into a tight hug.

"Let go- i can't breathe-"


Sunoo put down the two bags he brought for the three of them. Their relationship has been growing stronger every minute. And as being in a polyamorous relationship, they treat each other equally with no backstabbing occurring.

"i got us some ice cream to celebrate Christmas Eve" The eldest said with his eye smile as the other two got their chosen flavors.

"thanks love!"

Sunoo took his coat off and threw it to a nearby table. Then sitting behind Jungwon, giving him a backhug as he nuzzled his face into the younger's shoulder. Niki just let them be like it's their daily routine.

"i swear you're so soft, like a living plushie~"

Jungwon giggled at Sunoo's statement while taking a bite out of his ice cream. Niki went closer to the two and started playing with Sunoo's hair.

"how's the ice cream?"

"it tastes really good if you ask me!" Niki responded as Sunoo grabbed one of the cups to try the dessert.

"mint choco? really?" Jungwon fake gagged whilst Sunoo fought back with the ice cream stuffed in his mouth.

"come on~ you should try it some time" He winked as he ate another spoonful of the ice cream.

Sunoo leaned closer to Jungwon as he closed the gap between them. Leaving the younger with wide eyes as he wasn't prepared for that. The older eventually moved back, wiping the excess ice cream on his lips.

"Now Wonie, does it taste good?"

"i- the ice cream or your lips-"

Let's say the boy is a blushing mess and the other finished eating his ice cream like nothing happened.

"heyy, i want me some kisses too~"

"of course we wouldn't forget about you!" Both Sunoo and Jungwon leaned to Niki's side placing a small peck on both of his cheeks. The trio giggling at their actions as the took this time to wait for misnight to strike.

"hey have you noticed something about Jay hyung and Sunghoon hyung?"

"Ki, what do you mean?"

"i'm not sure, they're acting kind of.. distant"

"yeah i've noticed it too, it's really strange of them" Jungwon interfered to their conversation.

"well whatever it is, i hope they'd be together, both of them would really make a cute couple!" Sunoo squealed as silence took over them once again.

"wait, look outside!"

"it's snowing!!"

"you two can go ahead! let me just get something real quick!!"

And so, they all went out of their home to experience the falling snow in Korea. Sunoo following behind with what it looks like a snow duck modler.

"here catch!"

"thanks sun!" Niki caught the tool whilst already gathering snow. Jungwon helping him too.

"this looks like me right?" Niki showed the snow duck he made. Compating it to himself who was showing his usual boxy smile.

"it does!!"

"yeah i agree!"

Sunoo then started writing something on the snow. It was quite difficult as snow kept on falling, covering what the boy was writing. In the end he eventually finished it with a bit of decorations.

"Loves! Come over here for a sec!"


The other two awed at the writing. It spelt '선원키' (sunwonki). Along with three hearts and a little ice cream drawing with three scoops on the side.

"But Sun, why the ice cream?"

"Well you see Niki, remember the ice cream we got from Heeseung's? yup, i realized that the flavors he gave us describe each of us"

"yeah i've noticed it too!"

"ohhh, we really are destined to be together"

The trio sat down on the snow beside thewriting. Smiling as they were reminiscing the memories they made with each other. The snow continued to fall on them, hugging as they were each other's warmth.

"it's almost time" Jungwon fished out his phone from his pocket. Only seconds left until the it's midnight.

December 25, 2021 . 12:00

"Merry Christmas!!!"

They all said in unison. Showing their biggest smiles on this festive day. This year they celebrated it through showering each other with love and affection.




"I love you two!"

"I love the both of you!!"

"I love you my two boyfriends!!!"





── hiii

as you can see here, this is my little christmas gift to the Ice Cream readers. i ditched my other books for a while to work on this<3

(take this as an official and better ending for this book)

thank you so much for the recognition and support on this (fetus) book of mine i really really appreciate it, take all my love!!!<3


This was Ice Cream, and the writer, Doubi

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!


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