「 14; Text 」

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[Wonie 💙]

sunooah, im sorry..
i love you so much

i love your whole
personality and how
you're always confident
about yourself.. you were
a person i wanted to be
or be with,,

but i think its too late,
you have niki and im
happy for you..

i dont know if you'll
forgive me but i hope
you do, thank you


im sorry niki,

all the things you
said back there were
true, i did ditch you
guys but not for him,
it was because i was
scared of my feelings..
my feelings for you

i know youre still mad
at me but please forgive
me, i didnt want this to
happen,, i love you

but you have sunoo now
so i hope youre happy
with your sunshine

"hyung look!"

"jungwon sent me a message too"

They both switched phones to view the text wonie sent.

"Why did he compliment you but not me~"

"it's cause I'm better" He flipped his hair like what those girls do on tv shows.

"sheesh I shouldn't have yelled at him─"

"oh honey you're just going through teenage puberty"


Riki playfully hit Sunoo who was laughing continuously. He eventually threw a pillow at him and the other did the same which led to a childish pillow fight.

"did we just forget about jungwon─"

"oh right, i'll tell him to meet at the park"


[Sun ❤]

park, tomorrow, 5 pm

He read the message multiple times to try not to be late. He just wore some casual and comfortable clothes. He didn't know what they are gonna do but that's the fun part, right?

"Ma I'll be back, I'm just going to hang out with some friends!!"

He kissed his grandma goodbye then closed the door walking to his destination.

It's been 5 minutes yet still no sign of the two. He already texted them but it seems like they didn't see it yet.

But then felt a gust of wind pass by him and the next thing he knew..

his vision became dark


── oh noooo

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