「 07; Time 」

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"I'm sorry but─ I don't feel the same way."

With those words, Nishimura Riki's heart has been shattered into pieces and it became difficult to breathe at this moment. He tried holding in his tears and form a small smile before turning away from the older.

Sunoo began to feel guilty when he realized what he just said, after all, it was the truth.

"t-that's okay.. I expected it anyways, I can handle rejection"


Even saying that word made him even more devastated. Of course he can't handle it, it was his first time and maybe the last.

"I- I'll go now.."

He walked fast to the door then slammed it behind Sunoo and ran to his home to try and find some comfort for now.

On the other hand, the older locked himself in his room drowning in guilt and misery. He didn't mean to hurt the younger but he cannot stand to live with unspoken lies.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship though─ man even I just friendzoned him"

He let out a small laugh to somehow brighten the mood of his place.

Ni-ki ran to their backyard then letting all of it out. He cried and cried until he felt like he can't do it anymore.

"Don't worry, he's not the one for you.."

He tried to reassure himself that everything will be fine but of course, this is not some fairytale story where they fall in love immediately and 'yes' is not the only choice.

"Riki? RIKI?? Where are youu?"

Konon yelled but recieved silence as a response. The only place where he could be was the backyard which she did find him there.

"Oh my god Riki I've been worried sick. What happened to you? Why is your nose red and eyes swollen? How much tears did you shed I─"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine"

"Fine??? Oh baby you've cried a whole ocean and you said you're fine??"

Riki sighed deeply then told his overprotective sister what happened. The only thing he didn't share was the name of the boy who made him like this.

"If I find him, he'll never see the sun again" The little boy giggled a bit knowing that his sister will always be there for him no matter what.

"You know.. I can let you stay at home for the whole week, I can make an excuse on why you're absent for 5 days straight. You can have all the time to yourself but I'll still check on you to make sure you are physically okay, is it okay?"

"y-yeah, I guess it's for the best.."

Riki went to his room and locked himsrlf there. He needed time to sort out his emotions and try to move on. It was getting harder for him especially that he's been friends with Sunoo for five years. He even tried screaming into a plushie or pillow but it didn't quite work.

Sunoo rejected him in a way that's not too harsh. He tried being as nice as possible. But oh boy, Ni-ki still felt hurt that their feelings aren't mutual

He just needed some alone time for a while and the same for the older.

[Heeseung Best Hyung]



sorry to interrupt but did yall notice that sunoo and niki have been quiet for the whole weekend?

oh yeah they are 👀
but sunoo is online right now-


ayo?? @sunooo


what happened to you and niki? did smthn happen?

no,, everything's fine

if you say so..

[Wonie 💙]

okay i left you two and i know something happened to the both of you, spill 🍵

fine, something did
happen but idk if i
can tell you or no,
i still need niki's consent

idk how to comfort
someone but as your
bestfriend, i am here
for you and niki

if yall ghost us for
how many days,
ill hunt you down 🔪 /j

thank you.


── sunki sinking? 🌊

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