「 04; Lone Student 」

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It's the next day and everyone are already in their classes. Heeseung was taking math class this time and like every other lesson, the tescher calls out a student to answer the confusing problem. Most of the students answered wrong and even if the tescher explains it, they still don't get it.

"Who can solve this problem?"

. . .

"No one? okay. Sim Jake, please answer this problem"

That name caught the older's attention then layed his eyes on the said student. He went to the board, took the chalk, and wrote the solution like the smart student he is.

"Woah, I'm impressed, you got it right Jake, good job."

He gave the chalk to their teacher and went back to his seat. While Heeseung is still processing how the hell did he get the right answer.

The lone student who was right at the back of the class, just jotting down notes and other stuff on his notebook. It was another boring day for him. There's not much that interests him.

The bell rang and Heeseung took this chance to talk to the other.

"Uh hey, I saw you answering that problem, I still didn't know how you answered that. Anyways my name is Hee─"

"Heeseung, yeah."

rude "Well, do you want to sit with us in the cafeteria?"

"Hmm, fine."

"Nice! Come follow me"

He walked out of the classroom with the small boy following him. Once they arrived, they were greeted with shock faces especially from Sunoo.

"You really befriended him, hm?" Sunoo whispered teasingly with Heeseung who scoffed.

Jake slowly hid behind Heeseung because of shyness. But the elder reassured him that it's gonna be okay.

"Guys this is Jake!"

"Ooh Hi Jake─ wait how old are you?"

"02 liner.."


"ooh look Jay, Jakey is part of the 02z now!"

"wow, you already have a nickname for him,"

Sunghoon cupped an annoyed Jay's cheeks while he's still lowkey ignoring the younger. He even tried to do aegyo which made the older burst into laughter cause of his soon-to-be boyfriend's stupidity.

"ew not here please??"

"you're just jealous cause you havent found a boyfie" Sunghoon stuck his tounge out to Sunoo who rolled his eyes then continued eating his food.

"a-are they always like this?"

"possibly yeah"

Both Heeseung and Jake whispered to each other watching their new friends doing what they do.


"You're life sounds interesting Jake."

Yeah they are here, walking together and opening up to each other as Jake finally found some comfort. Their houses are not that far from each other and not that near either.

"Question, why do you seem so isolated and are distant from others?"

"I'll tell you when the time comes"

"I guess this is where we part.."

"Don't worry hyung, we'll still meet each other in school."

"Yeah.. also may I get your number and insta please?"


[Heeseung Best Hyung]

heeseung added jake

there you go

hmm 👀

uhh hello :>

hi hyungg

welcome to hell 😇

make yourself at home
this is gonna be a long ass ride

"I could get used to this.."


── everyone's here !! :D
this is slowly turning into heeseung focus but dw' more sunwonki soon 👀

and before i forget, the hyung line is in senior year while the maknaes are in junior year,,

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